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Difference between Fever Blister and Cold Sore

Difference between Fever Blister and Cold Sore

Fever blisters and cold sores are both common oral infections that can be caused by the herpes simplex virus. While they may look similar, there are some key differences between these two conditions. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for each one. We hope this information will help you to better understand these infections and how to treat them.

What is Fever Blister?

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are small blisters that usually form on the lips. Fever blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV is a very common virus that can cause infections in different parts of the body. Fever blisters are usually painful and can take up to two weeks to heal. Fever blisters are contagious and can be spread through direct contact with the blisters or through contact with infected saliva. Treatment for fever blisters is typically aimed at relieving symptoms and helping the blisters heal quickly. There is no cure for HSV, but there are treatments that can help to lessen the severity and frequency of outbreaks.

What is Cold Sore?

Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are a common viral infection. The virus that causes cold sores is called the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Cold sores usually occur on the lips, but they can also occur on the gums or the roof of the mouth. Cold sores are usually painful and can last for several days. Cold sores are most contagious when they are in the blister stage, but they can still be contagious even when they are not visible. Cold sores are usually caused by stress or illness, but they can also be triggered by sunlight or wind. There is no cure for cold sores, but there are treatments that can help to shorten the duration of an outbreak. Cold sores are most commonly treated with topical creams or ointments. Antiviral medications may also be prescribed in some cases.

Difference between Fever Blister and Cold Sore

Fever blisters and cold sores are both types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. Fever blisters are commonly found on the lips and around the mouth, and cold sores usually appear on the face, nose, or chin. Though they have similar symptoms, there are some key differences between fever blisters and cold sores. Fever blisters are usually smaller and less painful than cold sores. Cold sores typically last longer and can be accompanied by fever and other flu-like symptoms. In addition, fever blisters tend to recur more often than cold sores. Treatment for both conditions typically includes antiviral medication, which can help to reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of the infection. However, there is no cure for HSV infection, so fever blisters and cold sores may continue to reappear over time.


While fever blisters and cold sores may look alike, they are caused by different viruses and have different treatments. If you are not sure which type of sore you have, it is best to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Thanks for reading!

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