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Difference between Features and Benefits

Difference between Features and Benefits

When it comes to product marketing, it’s important to understand the difference between features and benefits. Features are the specific attributes of a product or service, while benefits are the positive outcomes that consumers realize as a result of using those features. In other words, benefits answer the question “What’s in it for me?” Understanding the difference between features and benefits is critical when creating marketing materials, such as product descriptions, website content, and sales pitches. By focusing on the benefits of your products and services, you can better engage potential customers and convince them to buy what you’re selling.

What is Feature?

In its most basic form, a feature is a function or capability of a product or system. Features are often what distinguishes one product from another in the marketplace. They can be thought of as the “building blocks” of a product or system, and they can be categorized in various ways. For example, features can be divided into functionality, usability, and aesthetic categories. Additionally, features can be distinguished as primary or secondary. Primary features are those that are essential to the core purpose of the product or system, while secondary features are those that add additional value or functionality.

When designing or developing a new product or system, it is important to consider both the primary and secondary features that will be included. The process of identifying and prioritizing features is known as requirements gathering. This process typically involves input from various stakeholders, including customers, users, product managers, and engineers. Once the requirements have been gathered, they can then be prioritized and used to guide the development process.
Adding too many features to a product or system can result in what is known as feature creep. This is often undesirable as it can make products more complicated and difficult to use.

What is Benefit?

The benefit is a term that is used to describe anything that provides positive value or assistance. In the business world, benefits may include things like bonuses, profit sharing, and paid vacation days. In healthcare, benefits may refer to insurance coverage or prescription drug discounts. For individuals, benefits may come in the form of tax breaks, government assistance, or rewards points. Basically, anything that makes life easier or more enjoyable can be considered a benefit. While the term is often used in a financial context, it’s important to remember that benefits can be intangible as well as tangible. A good boss, for example, might provide intangible benefits like appreciation and support that are every bit as valuable as a raise or promotion. Ultimately, the term benefit refers to anything that improve the quality of life in some way.

Difference between Features and Benefits

  • Most people use the terms “features” and “benefits” interchangeably, but in business, they actually refer to two very different things. A feature is a characteristic of a product or service. It’s a factual detail that can be objectively measured. In contrast, a benefit is a value that a customer receives from using a product or service. It’s the emotional appeal that speaks to the customer’s needs and wants.
  • For example, let’s say you’re selling a new type of vacuum cleaner. The features might include the vacuum’s suction power, its weight, and the length of its cord. The benefits might include its ability to clean quickly and easily, its lightweight making it easy to carry up and down stairs, or its long cord eliminating the need for multiple outlets.
  • As you can see, features are about the product itself, while benefits are about how the product will make the customer’s life better. When marketing a product or service, it’s important to focus on both the features and the benefits in order to give potential customers a complete picture of what you’re offering.


When you are selling a product or service, it’s important to understand the difference between features and benefits. Features are what your product or service can do, while benefits are what those features mean for your customer. Understanding this distinction is essential for creating effective sales materials and pitches. Applying the tips we shared in this post should help you better focus on the benefits of your products and services rather than getting bogged down in the details of features.

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