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Difference between Faraway and Far Away

Difference between Faraway and Far Away

Have you ever wondered the difference between ‘faraway’ and ‘far away’? The main difference is that faraway is an adjective, whereas far away is a phrase. Faraway can describe something that is distant, whereas far away refers to something that is not close by. For example, you might say “That mountain is so faraway”, but not “I am so far away from home.”
English speakers often use the phrase “far away” when they are actually referring to something that is nearby. For example, if you say “I saw a deer in my backyard this morning”, you are talking about something that was close by, even though it may have seemed distant because it was early in the morning. So remember, if you want to talk about something being distant, use the adjective ‘faraway’; but if you want to talk about something being not close by, use the phrase ‘far away’.

What is Faraway?

Faraway is an adjective that describes something that is distant, either in physical space or in time. It can also describe a place that seems to exist in another world entirely, removed from the everyday hustle and bustle of life. Faraway can be used to describe a destination that you have always dreamed of visiting, or a memory from your childhood that feels like it belongs to another lifetime. It is the perfect word for describing a place that feels both close and impossibly distant, all at the same time. Whether you are looking for a way to describe a physical space or a state of mind, Faraway is the perfect adjective for the job.

What is Far Away?

Far away is an adverb that indicates a great distance. For example, if you say “I live far away from here,” you mean that your home is located a long distance from your current location. Faraway can also be used to describe something that is difficult to reach or obtain. For example, if you say “I have always dreamed of living in a faraway land,” you mean that you would like to live in a place that is very different from where you currently live. Faraway can also be used to describe something that is unlikely to happen. For example, if you say “I know it’s a long shot, but I’m still hoping for a miracle,” you mean that you know the chances of something happening are very small, but you’re still hopeful.

Difference between Faraway and Far Away

Faraway and Far Away have different implications. Faraway denotes a place that is beyond reach, inaccessible, and imaginary. It suggests a longing for a place that may never be attained. On the other hand, Far Away denotes a place that is within reach, attainable, and real. It is often used to describe physical distance, but can also suggest emotional distance. For example, one might say “I’m so far away from home” to describe both the physical and emotional distance from their homeland. In general, Faraway has a more negative connotation than Far Away.


Faraway is an adjective meaning “distant in space or time.” Far away is an adverb meaning “at a great distance.” For example, you might say that your grandparents live far away from you, or that the sun is far away in the sky. When it comes to using these words in writing, make sure to use them correctly for the effect you want to create. If you want to show how distant something is, use faraway; if you want to emphasize how close something is, use far away.

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