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Difference between Fairies Tales and Folk Tales

Difference between Fairies Tales and Folk Tales

Do you know the difference between a fairy tale and a folk tale? Most people don’t realize that there is a difference, but there is. Fairy tales are usually more fantastical, with elves, goblins, and other magical creatures. Folk tales are based more in reality, with characters that could be real people. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between these two types of stories.

What are Fairies Tales?

Fairies tales are stories that typically feature fairy like creatures who possess magical powers. Fairies tales are often set in mystical worlds and often involve journeys or quests. Fairies tales often have moral messages and teach lessons about good versus evil, courage, and friendship. Fairies tales have been popular for centuries and are still enjoyed by children and adults today. Fairies tales continue to be retold and reimagined in new ways, ensuring that these timeless stories will be enjoyed for many years to come.

What are Folk Tales?

Folk tales are a type of story that is typically passed down from generation to generation within a culture. Folk tales often feature characters and settings that are based on the traditions and beliefs of the culture in which they originated. Folk tales can be expressed in a variety of ways, including oral storytelling, dance, music, and art. While folk tales typically teach a moral lesson or offer guidance on how to live one’s life, they can also simply be entertaining stories. Folk tales have been an important part of cultures around the world for centuries, and they continue to be enjoyed by people of all ages today.

Difference between Fairies Tales and Folk Tales

Fairies tales and folk tales are both popular genres of stories. Fairies tales typically feature magical creatures, such as fairies, goblins, and witches. Folk tales, on the other hand, tend to be more grounded in reality and often focus on the history and culture of a particular region or group of people. Both types of stories can be entertaining and educational, but they serve different purposes. Fairies tales are generally more fanciful and intended to entertain, while folk tales are meant to be more instructive, teaching lessons about morality, history, and human nature. As a result, each type of story offers its own unique benefits.


Although fairy tales and folk tales may seem similar, they have distinct differences. Fairy tales are often seen as more fanciful with magical elements, while folk tales are more grounded in reality and typically contain moral lessons. Whether you’re looking to tell a story for children or adults, it’s important to understand the difference between these two genres so that your story is effective and resonates with your audience.

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