Difference between Ethanol and Alcohol

Difference between Ethanol and Alcohol

Have you ever wondered what the differences were between ethanol and alcohol? Most people don’t realize that there are significant distinctions between these two substances, even though they may sound similar. As it turns out, both molecules have the same properties, but their chemical structures differ greatly. Understanding this information is important for anyone interested in distilling and making alcohol or who just wants to be aware of different types of chemicals in consumer products. Read on to learn why ethanol and alcohol can share a similar name yet behave in very different ways!

What is Ethanol?

Ethanol is an alcohol molecule, primarily made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen that can be used as a fuel alternative. Ethanol is the most widely used renewable fuel in the world and is an integral part of the energy landscape today. Ethanol burns cleanly compared to other fossil fuels, releasing fewer emissions into the atmosphere than gasoline. Ethanol increases efficiency by being able to blend with other fossil fuels, thereby reducing emissions and improving overall performance. Ethanol is also cost-effective and attractive to vehicle manufacturers since it is readily available and easy to use as a fuel source.

What is Alcohol?

Alcohol refers broadly to any type of organic chemical that contains a hydroxyl group (-OH), which is connected to a carbon atom. Alcohols are found in many household products, such as cleaning liquids, medicine, automobile fuel, and personal care items. In addition, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is socially accepted in most cultures.

Alcoholic drinks come in many forms, from beer and wine to distilled spirits such as whiskey, vodka, and brandy. Alcohol has been around since ancient times and remains an integral part of life today. The effects of alcoholic beverages differ depending on how they are consumed and the strength of the drink itself; nonetheless, consuming alcohol can cause both physical and mental impairment as well as increase people’s risk for various health problems.

Difference between Ethanol and Alcohol

Ethanol and Alcohol are both substances with remarkable similarities and clear differences that set them apart.

  • Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is an organic chemical compound made up of two carbon atoms, five hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; it’s the kind of alcohol typically found in alcoholic beverages.
  • On the other hand, alcohol can refer broadly to any type of organic chemical compound containing hydroxyl radicals, including Ethanol among others.
  • The main difference between Ethanol and Alcohol is its boiling point: Ethanol boils at 173 degrees Fahrenheit (78 degrees Celsius), whereas most types of alcohol boil higher than this temperature.

As a result Ethanol has common uses in industries like distilleries or beverage companies, whereas other types of alcohol (e.g., Isopropyl or Methanol) tend to be used for industrial purposes such as cleaning solvents or fuel. Considering these distinctions it’s easy to see why Ethanol remains a popular choice for many businesses dedicated to making food-safe products!


While both terms are used interchangeably, there is a big difference between ethanol and alcohol. Ethanol is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, while alcohol refers to any kind of-hydroxy alkane. Alcohol, in general, is quite harmful to human health; however, ethanol has been shown to have some potential health benefits. If you’re looking to improve your health by drinking alcoholic beverages, be sure to choose ones that contain ethanol instead of other types of alcohol.

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