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Difference between Eructation and Flatus

Difference between Eructation and Flatus

What’s the difference between gas and air? You might think that they are synonymous, but there is a big distinction between the two. Eructation and flatus both refer to expelled gas, but there is a significant difference in their composition. In this post, we’ll explore the differences between these two types of gas expulsion. We’ll also discuss their associated health risks and how to reduce them. Stay tuned!

What is Eructation?

Eructation is the medical term for burping. Most people belch Occasionally, and it is usually not a cause for concern. However, some people belch frequently or experience more severe symptoms, such as heartburn. Eructation occurs when gas escapes from the stomach and up through the throat and mouth. The gas may be composed of air that was swallowed, bacteria in the gut, or food that was not fully digested. In some cases, eructation may also be caused by a symptom of another condition, such as GERD or gastritis. Eructation is generally considered to be harmless, but it can be disruptive or embarrassing. Treatments are available for those who experience frequent or severe eructation.

What is Flatus?

Flatus is the medical term for the expulsion of gas from the stomach through the nose and mouth. The production of flatus is a normal physiologic process that occurs as a result of swallowed air and the breakdown of food by digestive enzymes in the gut.

  • Flatus is composed of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. Although the majority of flatus is composed of odorless gases, it can become malodorous when it contains sulfur-containing compounds.
  • Flatus typically has a volume of between 200 and 700 mL and is expelled several times per day. Most people are unaware of the production of flatus until it is expelled.
  • The expulsion of flatus can sometimes be accompanied by a rumbling noise called borborygmi, which is caused by the movement of gas through the intestines.
  • Flatus is not generally considered to be harmful, but it can be disruptive to daily activities and embarrassing in social situations. If you are concerned about excess flatus, there are several dietary and lifestyle changes that can help to reduce its production. For example, avoiding foods that are high in fiber or sugar alcohols can help to reduce gas formation.

In addition, chewing gum or sucking on hard candy can cause you to swallow air, which can lead to increased flatus production. Making sure to take regular breaks throughout the day to allow your body to expel gas can also help. Finally, if you are still struggling with excessive flatus despite making these changes, you may want to talk to your doctor about other options.

Difference between Eructation and Flatus

Eructation is the medical term for belching. It occurs when gas accumulates in the stomach and is expelled through the mouth. Eructation is a normal and healthy process that helps to relieve bloating and discomfort. Flatus, on the other hand, is the medical term for passing gas. Flatus occurs when gas accumulates in the intestines and is expelled through the rectum.

Flatus can be caused by a variety of factors, including dietary choices, intestinal bacteria, and digestive disorders. While flatus is generally considered to be a nuisance, it is not typically harmful. However, excessive flatus can be a sign of an underlying health condition and should be discussed with a doctor.


Although both eructation and flatus are types of gas, they have different causes and effects. Eructation is caused by the stomach acids coming in contact with the food in your stomach, while flatus is caused by bacteria breaking down the fiber in the large intestine. Eructation smells bad because it contains sulfur compounds, while flatus does not smell bad. Flatus is more common than eructation and can be a nuisance, but it is generally harmless. Thanks for reading!

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