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Difference between Environment and Ecosystem

Difference between Environment and Ecosystem

In order to understand the difference between environment and ecosystem, it is important to first have a basic understanding of what each word means. The word ‘environment’ is defined as the surroundings in which someone or something exists or operates. The word ‘ecosystem’ is defined as a community of different organisms and their physical environment. So, essentially, an environment is the bigger picture – everything that exists around an organism – while an ecosystem refers to the specific community of living things and their physical surroundings within that environment. There are many different types of ecosystems, from rainforests to coral reefs to tundra biomes.

What is the Environment?

The environment is the natural world that surrounds us. It includes air, water, and soil, as well as plants and animals. The environment provides us with the resources we need to live, such as food and shelter. It also offers recreational opportunities, such as hiking and swimming. The environment is important to our survival and well-being. We must take care of it so that it can continue to provide for us. Unfortunately, human activity is harming the environment. We pollute the air with harmful chemicals, pollute the water with sewage and industrial waste, and damage the land with deforestation and pollution. We also hunted many animals to extinction. As a result, the environment is in danger. We must work together to protect the environment and preserve it for future generations.

What is an Ecosystem?

  • An ecosystem is a community of different species of living organisms and their physical environment. Ecosystems are often thought of as being composed of two main components: biotic or living components, such as plants and animals; and abiotic or non-living components, such as air, water, and soil. The word “ecosystem” was first coined in 1930 by British ecologist Charles Elton. Ecosystems can be of different sizes, from a small ponds to an entire forest. All ecosystems
  • have several things in common: they have a boundary, they are open systems (meaning they exchange matter and energy with their surroundings), and they have a carrying capacity (the maximum number of organisms that an ecosystem can support). An ecosystem’s boundary can be defined by physical features, such as the edge of a forest, or it can be defined by environmental factors, such as the depth of the water in a pond. Once an ecosystem reaches its carrying capacity, it cannot support any additional organism. If an influx of new organisms occurs (such as from immigration), then some of the existing organisms will likely die off due to Competition for resources.
  • Ecosystems can be broken down into smaller units called “habitats.” A habitat is an area where an organism lives and which provides the food, water, shelter, and other conditions necessary for its survival. Each habitat has a unique set of abiotic factors (non-living conditions), such as temperature, light, moisture, and soil type. Biotic factors (living conditions) include the availability of food and mates, as well as predation pressure (the risk of being eaten by another organism). Organisms that live in the same habitat tend to have similar adaptations that allow them to survive in that environment. For example, cacti and succulents have adapted to live in hot, dry habitats by having thick skin that helps to prevent water loss, while polar bears have adapted to live in cold habitats by having thick fur that helps to insulate them from the cold air.
  • Ecosystems can also be classified according to their trophic level—that is, the level at which they occur in the food chain. The lowest trophic level is occupied by producers (also called autotrophs), such as plants and algae, which use photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to produce their own food from simple Inorganic compounds. The next trophic level is occupied by primary consumers (also called herbivores), which eat producers; followed by secondary consumers (also called carnivores), which eat primary consumers; and so on up the food chain. So an ecosystem can be described as being “heterotrophic” (containing consumers) or “autotrophic” (containing only producers).
  • Ecosystems are also often classified according to their dominant vegetation type. For example, a grassland ecosystem is dominated by grasses; a forest ecosystem is dominated by trees, and a desert ecosystem is dominated by shrubs and cacti. Each type of vegetation has different adaptations that allow it to survive in its particular environment—for example, deep roots that help anchor the plant against strong winds or thick leaves that help reduce water loss through evaporation. The type of vegetation present in an ecosystem also affects the types of animals present—for example, an area with dense vegetation is likely to have more insect species than an area with sparse vegetation.

Difference between Environment and Ecosystem

  • The terms environment and ecosystem are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two. An ecosystem is composed of all the living things in a given area, as well as the non-living components that support them, such as air, water, and soil. The term environment refers to the sum total of all the external conditions that impact an organism, such as temperature, light, and precipitation. In other words, an ecosystem includes all the biotic and abiotic factors that affect an organism, while the environment refers to only the abiotic factors.
  • Though they are different concepts, environment and ecosystem are intimately connected. The health of an ecosystem depends on the quality of its environment, and changes in one can cause ripple effects throughout the other. For example, pollution or deforestation in an area can have a negative impact on the biodiversity of an ecosystem by harming or killing plants and animals. Conversely, a healthy ecosystem can help to improve the quality of the surrounding environment by purifying water and air and providing homes for wildlife.
  • In short, ecosystems cannot exist without environments, but environments can exist without ecosystems. Understanding the difference between these two concepts is essential for effectively managing and conserving our natural resources.


The environment and ecosystem are two important concepts to understand when it comes to ecology. The environment is everything outside of the organism, while the ecosystem includes both the environment and the organism. It’s important to be able to distinguish between these two terms because they have different implications for how we should interact with our surroundings.

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