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Difference between Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton

Difference between Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton

Do you know the difference between an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton? Many people are unaware of the distinct characteristics shared by these two structures. The truth is, they both play a crucial role in the anatomy of living beings! In this blog post, we’ll be outlining key differences between endoskeletons and exoskeletons and how each structure contributes to the well-being of living creatures. Read on to learn all about these fascinating internal frameworks that help define our physical forms.

What is Endoskeleton?

Endoskeleton is an internal structure held within the body of certain animals that provides support and protect against external threats. Endoskeletons are made up of hard, mineralized bones, which strengthens the body both structurally and physiologically.

  • Endoskeletons also allow for increased size and complexity without sacrificing mobility, allowing creatures to easily move around their environment and respond quickly to stimulus.
  • Endoskeletons provide a greater protection in comparison to exskeletons, making them ideal for terrestrial animals who must traverse a dangerous landscape looking for food and resources.
  • Endoskeletons also offer greater flexibility than an exoskeleton as they can grow along with the animal, allowing for adaptation and survival in changing conditions.

Ultimately, endoskeletons are essential components of a sound ecosystem and continue to be crucial features in many species’ evolutionary makeups today.

What is Exoskeleton?

Exoskeletons are an intriguing type of organism with bodies that are literally outside-in. Exoskeletons comprise hard external shells which protect their internal organs from any form of mechanical damage or even extreme temperatures.

  • Exoskeletons provide their cognitive system, muscles, and other organs with support as they do not have an internal skeleton like other organisms. Exoskeleton organisms face a challenge as they need to retain enough moisture inside while also keeping the external shell intact to perform its protective duties.
  • Exoskeletons come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on the organism and can range from very simple forms such as insects to more complex forms such as turtles and crabs.
  • Although exoskeleton organisms present unique challenges, these versatile creatures have adapted to their environment over millions of years to become some of the most interesting species on Earth.

Difference between Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton

Endoskeletons and Exoskeletons are structures that provide support for an organism’s body. Endoskeletons are the internal skeletons present in animals such as humans and many vertebrates, made up of bone, cartilage, or both.

  • On the other hand, exoskeletons are external skeletons composed of proteins and polysaccharides which form a protective casing around animals such as arthropods and mollusks.
  • Endoskeletons ensure flexibility by providing skeletal strength without adding extra weight to the body, whereas exoskeletons increase protection for organisms in terms of physical defense and insulation from temperature fluctuations.
  • Endoskeletons also have some disadvantages like rigidity requiring extra effort to move while exoskeleton-bearing organisms can quickly move to avoid predators with the help of their hard external structure.

Endoskeletons and exoskeletons clearly demonstrate two dissimilar ways of supporting and protection in living beings making them indispensable features on earth.


The endoskeleton is the internal support system for an animal. It is made up of bones, cartilage, and ligaments. The exoskeleton is the external hard shell that covers an animal’s body. Insects and other arthropods have an exoskeleton. Arthropods are invertebrates with a segmented body, jointed legs, and a protective outer skeleton.

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