Difference between Emu and Ostrich

Difference between Emu and Ostrich

There are many different types of birds in the world, and each one has its own unique characteristics. Two of the most well-known types of birds are emus and ostriches. While they may look similar, there are several key differences between these two species. In this blog post, we will explore those differences to help you determine which bird is right for you.

What is Emu?

Emus are native to Australia and heavily hunted there for their meat and eggs. Emus are the second-largest living bird by height, after the ostrich. They are flightless birds with long necks and legs and can reach up to 6.9 feet in height. Emus can sprint at up to 31 mph, and when pursued, they will go into a “zigzag” running pattern which makes it difficult for predators to catch them. Emus are also good swimmers and can dive underwater to escape predators or simply cool off. Emus eat a variety of plants and animals but prefer seeds, fruits, insects, and small reptiles. Emus reproduce by laying large greenish-blue eggs which are incubated by the male for around 8 weeks. After hatching, the chicks remain with their father for several months before striking out on their own. Emus are interesting birds that have many adaptations that help them survive in the wild.

What is Ostrich?

Ostrich is a large, flightless bird that is native to Africa. The ostrich is the largest living bird in the world, and it is also the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h. Ostrich is an herbivorous animal, and they primarily feed on plants and insects. The ostrich is also an excellent runner, and it can cover long distances very quickly. Ostrich is hunted for their meat and eggs, which are a valuable food source for both humans and animals. The ostrich is also used for its feathers, which are used to make clothing and other items. Ostrich is a social animal, and they live in flocks of up to 30 individuals. The ostrich is a fascinating animal, and it is an important part of the African ecosystem.

Difference between Emu and Ostrich

There are many differences between emu and ostrich, two types of large flightless birds found in Africa and Australia. Emus tend to be larger than ostriches, with a height of about five and a half feet at the shoulder and a total body weight of up to 100 pounds. Emus also have distinctively long necks and smaller heads than ostriches, which helps to distinguish them from their larger cousins. In terms of natural habitat, emus are found in both grassland and woodland areas, while ostriches prefer to live on open plains. Emus feed on plants, fruit, insects, nuts, seeds, and grain, while ostriches are more omnivorous and consume any available food sources that they come across. Finally, while both emus and ostriches exhibit courtship behavior such as head bobbing or walking around with wings outstretched in order to attract mates or stake claim over territory, female emus are known for being more aggressive than female ostriches when defending their nests from potential predators. Overall, these key physical, behavioral, and ecological differences make it clear that emus and ostriches are two distinct species with vastly different characteristics.


Emus and ostriches are two very different types of birds. Ostriches are the largest living bird, while emus are the second-largest. Ostrich feathers are black and white, while emu feathers are mostly brown. The biggest difference between these two types of birds is their egg size; ostrich eggs can weigh up to three pounds, while emu eggs weigh about a pound.

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