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Difference between Elbow and Knee

Difference between Elbow and Knee

In our everyday lives, we use our elbows and knees all the time without thinking about what makes them different. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself what the difference is between an elbow and a knee? In this blog post, we will explore the anatomical differences between these two body parts. We will also discuss the functions of each one and provide some tips on how to protect them from injury. Stay tuned!

What is Elbow?

Elbow is a form of arthritis that is caused by the inflammation of the elbow joint. The most common symptom of elbow is pain, which can range from mild to severe. Elbow may also cause stiffness, swelling, and tenderness. Elbow is most often diagnosed in adults over the age of 50, but it can occur at any age. Elbow is treated with a combination of rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the damage to the elbow joint.

What is Knee?

Knee is a hinge type of synovial joint which is the largest and most complicated joints in the human body. It is classified as a diarthrosis joint, or a freely moveable joint, which allows for a wide range of motion.

  • The knee joins the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia). It also intersects with the fibula, which is the smaller leg bone that lies parallel to the tibia on the outer side of the lower leg.
  • The bones are held together by strong ligaments, and the joint is stabilized by muscles and tendons. Knee pain is a common complaint that can be caused by a variety of conditions.
  • Treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. Knee pain can be either acute (sudden and severe) or chronic (long-term). Causes of knee pain include arthritis, ligament or tendon tears, meniscus tears, gout, Baker’s cyst, kneecap dislocation or fracture, and runner’s knee.
  • Knee pain can also be due to overuse injuries such as bursitis or tendinitis. Knee pain can often be treated with simple home remedies such as ice, rest, and over-the-counter medications.

However, more severe cases may require medical intervention. Surgery may be necessary to treat some causes of knee pain, such as ligament or tendon tears, meniscus tears, or kneecap fractures. Knee surgery can often be done using minimally invasive techniques that require smaller incisions and result in less scarring and quicker recovery times.

Difference between Elbow and Knee

Elbow and knee are two of the most commonly used joints in our body. Elbow joints are present in the lower arm, between the upper arm bone (humerus) and the radius and ulna bones of the forearm.

  • The knee joint is located between the thighbone (femur) and the shinbone (tibia). Both elbow and knee joints allow for a wide range of motion and help to support our body weight.
  • However, there are some key differences between these two types of joints. Elbow joints are hinged joints, while knee joints are ball-and-socket joints. Elbow joints also have a much greater range of motion than knee joints.
  • Elbow joints can move in three planes (flexion/extension, pronation/supination, radial deviation/ulnar deviation), while knee joints can only move in two planes (flexion/extension, medial rotation/lateral rotation).
  • Elbow joints also have a higher degree of stability than knee joints. This is due to the fact that elbow joints are surrounded by strong ligaments, while knee joints rely more on muscles for stability.

Finally, elbow joints experience much less stress than knee joints during everyday activities such as walking or running. For all these reasons, elbow joint injuries are much more common than knee joint injuries.


While both the elbow and knee are joints, they have different functions. The elbow is responsible for bending and straightening the arm while the knee bends and straightens the leg. Knowing the difference between these two body parts can help you to protect them from injury. If you’re ever unsure about which joint is causing pain, seek medical attention to ensure proper healing.

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