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Difference between Egrep and Fgrep

Difference between Egrep and Fgrep

learns a few differences between the commands egrep and fgrep. These two commands both help you to search for text within files, but they have some key distinctions. In this blog post we’ll take a look at what those differences are, and how to decide which one to use in different situations.

Both Egrep and Fgrep are command line tools used for finding text patterns in files. Though functionally similar, there are some key distinctions between the two that can make them more useful in specific situations. In this blog post we’ll take a look at what those differences are, and when you might want to choose one over the other.

What is Egrep?

Egrep is a command line utility for searching files for text patterns. It is similar to the grep utility, but Egrep supports extended regular expressions, which can make complex searches much easier. Egrep is typically used with the find command to search through large numbers of files very quickly. For example, the following command would search for all files containing the word “ Egrep”:

find . -name “*” -print0 | xargs -0 Egrep “ Egrep”.

Egrep is a very powerful tool, but it is also fairly easy to use. With just a few simple commands, Egrep can help you find the information you need in no time at all.

What is Fgrep?

Fgrep is a command line utility for searching files for text patterns. Unlike other grep utilities, Fgrep does not support regular expressions. However, it does support fixed strings, making it faster and more efficient for certain types of searches. Fgrep can be used to search for a specific word or phrase in a file, or to find all instances of a given character. It can also be used to search multiple files at once, making it a handy tool for batch processing. Fgrep is an essential tool for anyone who needs to search through large amounts of text data. Thanks to its speed and simplicity, Fgrep is often the first choice for grep utilities. As a result, it is one of the most commonly used command line tools.

Difference between Egrep and Fgrep

Egrep and Fgrep are two of the most commonly used tools for searching through large bodies of text. Egrep stands for “extended grep” and is a powerful search tool that supports regular expression patterns. Fgrep, on the other hand, stands for “fixed grep” and searches for literal strings instead of using regular expressions. Both Egrep and Fgrep are included in most Linux distributions and are available on many Unix-like systems. While Egrep is more flexible, Fgrep is usually faster since it doesn’t have to process regular expression patterns. In general, Egrep is the better choice unless you know that the text you’re searching for matches a specific pattern.


Egrep and Fgrep are both powerful grep commands that can be used to search for text patterns in files. They differ in a few key ways, most notably how they handle regular expressions. Understanding the difference between these two commands can help you more effectively find the information you need.

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