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Difference between Economical Power and Political Power

Difference between Economical Power and Political Power

Much has been said about the difference between economical power and political power, but what does it all mean? In essence, economical power is having the ability to make money and political power is having authority over people. While one can exist without the other, they are both very important in society. This article will explore each type of power in more detail and discuss how they affect our everyday lives.

What is Economical Power?

Economical power is the power that a person or entity has to influence the economic system. This includes the ability to make decisions that will affect the economy, as well as the ability to influence others to make decisions that are favorable to the person or entity. Economical power can be used for good or for evil; it all depends on how it is used. Economical power can be a great tool for helping to improve the economy, but it can also be used to manipulate the economy for personal gain. Those who have economical power should use it wisely and for the benefit of all.

What is Political Power?

  • Political power is the ability to influence the decisions made by those in positions of authority. In a democracy, this power is held by the people, who elect representatives to make laws on their behalf.
  • Political power can also be used to influence the decisions of corporations and other institutions. For example, activists may use boycotts or protests to convince a company to change its policies. Political power can be a positive force for change, but it can also be abused.
  • Those who hold political power can use it to further their own interests, rather than working for the benefit of the people they are supposed to represent. Political power is therefore a potentially dangerous tool that must be used carefully.

Difference between Economical Power and Political Power

Economical power and political power are two types of power that differ in a number of ways.

  • Economical power is the power to produce or buy goods and services, while political power is the ability to make decisions for a group or control resources.
  • Economical power is often thought of as being more passive, while political power is more active. Economical power can be used to influence political decisions, but it cannot directly control them.
  • Political power, on the other hand, can be used to directly control the economy. The most successful countries are those that have a balance of both economic and political power.

They use their economic strength to increase their political clout, and their political clout to improve the economy. This balance allows them to pursue their interests and goals effectively.


We can see that economical power and political power are two very different things. Political power is the ability to make decisions that will affect a country or organization, while economical power is having control over the resources within a given area. It’s important to understand these differences when trying to create change in an area.

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