Difference between Eastern and Pacific Time

Difference between Eastern and Pacific Time

There are many differences between eastern and pacific times, but the most important one is the time zone offset. Eastern Time is 5 hours behind UTC, while Pacific Time is 8 hours behind UTC. This means that if it is noon in New York City (EST), it is only 7 am in Los Angeles (PST). However, this also means that when it is 9 pm in New York City (EDT), it is already midnight in Los Angeles (PST).

What is Eastern Time?

Eastern Time is a time zone that covers parts of the Eastern United States and Canada. Eastern Time is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is also known as Eastern Standard Time (EST) during the fall and winter months when Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not observed. In the spring and summer, Eastern Time is four hours behind UTC due to DST.

Eastern Time began on November 18, 1883, when several railroads in the Eastern United States set their clocks to noon at the same time. This was done in order to standardize train schedules and prevent confusion. Eastern Time is generally used from October to April, while DST is observed from April to October. During DST, Eastern Time is four hours behind UTC. When DST ends in the fall, Eastern Time becomes five hours behind UTC.

What is Pacific Time?

Pacific Time is the time zone that covers the Pacific coast of North America. It stretches from the west coast of Canada to the west coast of Mexico, and its boundaries extend eastward to include parts of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington state. Pacific Time is eight hours behind UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), and it is observed year-round.

Daylight saving time is not observed in Pacific Time, although some areas that use the time zone do observe it. As a result, Pacific Time remains constant throughout the year. Pacific Standard Time (PST) is the name used for Pacific Time when daylight saving time is not in effect. When daylight saving time is in effect, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is used instead. Pacific Standard Time occurs from November to March, while Pacific Daylight Time occurs from April to October.

Difference between Eastern and Pacific Time

Eastern and Pacific Time are two of the four-time zones in the United States. Eastern Time covers the eastern half of the country, while Pacific Time covers the western half. The main difference between Eastern and Pacific Time is that Eastern Time is one hour ahead of Pacific Time. This means that when it is noon Eastern Time, it is only 11 AM Pacific Time. Eastern and Pacific Time are also different in terms of daylight savings time. Eastern Time observes daylight savings time, while Pacific Time does not. As a result, during daylight savings time, Eastern Time is two hours ahead of Pacific Time.


The time difference between Eastern and Pacific Time can be confusing for those not living in either region. Hopefully, this blog post has helped to clear up any confusion about the two different time zones.

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