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Difference between East Egg and West Egg

Difference between East Egg and West Egg

There are many differences between East Egg and West Egg in the novel “The Great Gatsby.” These two neighborhoods are located on Long Island, and people who live in each place have a very different lifestyles. East Egg is more refined and traditional, while West Egg is rougher around the edges and new money. The people who live in these areas also have different values, which is evident by the way they party. Those in East Egg prefer upscale events with fancy food and drinks, while those in West Egg are content with rowdy affairs that involve lots of drinking and dancing. If you’re looking to experience all that 1920s New York has to offer, it’s important to know the difference between these two Eggs.

What is East Egg?

East Egg is one of the two fictional eggs in The Great Gatsby. It is located on Long Island and is home to the East Egg rivaling West Egg. East and West Egg are separated by an island known as the Valley of Ashes. East Egg represents the established rich while West Egg represents the self-made rich. The people who live in East Egg have old money, which means they inherit their wealth instead of earning it. On the other hand, people who live in West Egg have new money, which means they made their own wealth and are not a part of the traditional upper class.

East Egg is also said to be more beautiful than West Egg because it is not as industrial. East and West Egg are metaphors for different parts of American society. East Egg symbolizes the upper class while West Egg symbolizes the emerging middle class. The novel shows how people from different social classes interact with each other and how they view each other. East Egg is a representation of the old American dream while West Egg is a representation of the new American dream.

What is West Egg?

West Egg is a fictional place mentioned in the novel The Great Gatsby. It is located on Long Island and is said to be less fashionable than its counterpart, East Egg. West Egg is home to many newly wealthy people, who have made their fortune through industry, rather than inheritance. The novel’s protagonist, Jay Gatsby, is a West Egg resident. West Egg represents the changing social landscape of America in the 1920s, as new money began to eclipse old money. The novel critiques the hollowness of the American dream and exposes the moral bankruptcy of those who pursue it. West Egg is a symbol of this pursuit, and its residents are ultimately shown to be shallow and superficial.

Difference between East Egg and West Egg

East Egg and West Egg are two fictional locations in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. East Egg is home to the old money families, while West Egg is home to the new money families. East Egg is said to be more fashionable and aristocratic, while West Egg is seen as more tasking and down-to-earth. East Egg symbolizes the corrupt and empty lifestyle of the rich, while West Egg represents the hope and possibility of the American Dream. Though East Egg and West Egg are both fictional locations, they offer a perspective on the socio-economic divide that still exists in America today.


In The Great Gatsby, the East Egg and West Egg represent different parts of society. Those who live in the East Egg are wealthy and established, while those from the West Egg are new money. The two groups don’t mix, and there is a lot of tension between them. Fitzgerald uses this as a symbol of the growing rift between America’s rich and poor. Today, we still see this difference in wealth distribution throughout our country.

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