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Difference between Duly and Dully

Difference between Duly and Dully

What’s the difference between duly and dully? Most people would say they are interchangeable, but there is a subtle distinction. Duly means “in accordance with what is required or appropriate,” while dully means “without interest or animation.” So you might use duly to describe something that was done correctly and efficiently, while dully would be more appropriate for something that was done without enthusiasm. It’s a small distinction, but it can make all the difference in the world.

What is Duly?

Duly word meaning is simple and easy to understand. It refers to an act that is done according to what is right or proper. Duly can also be used to describe someone who behaves correctly or in a way that is expected of them.

  • For example, if you duly complete your homework before going out to play, you are behaving as you should. Similarly, if a student is duly respectful to their teacher, they are behaving properly. Duly can also be used as an adverb to describe an action that has been carried out in the right way.
  • In this case, it often emphasizes that the person doing the action has followed all the necessary steps. For example, if a company duly files its taxes on time, it has acted correctly and responsibly.
  • Duly can also be used to mean “in turn” or “as a result.” In this case, it is often used together with the word “receive.” For example, if you work hard at your job, you will duly receive a salary for your efforts.
  • Finally, duly can also be used to describe something that happens at the right time or in the right order. In this case, it is often used together with the word “appoint.” For example, if a new president is duly appointed after an election, it means that they have been given their position at the correct time according to the rules.

As you can see, the word duly has a range of different meanings. However, in all cases, it refers to something that is done according to what is right or proper.

What is Dully?

Dully is an adjective that describes something that is not bright or vibrant. It can be used to describe the color of something, like a gray sky, or the way something sounds, like a dully voice. Dully can also be used to describe a person who is not very interesting or exciting. A dully person might be someone who is always serious or who never has any new ideas. When something is dully, it might not be completely bad, but it also isn’t very exciting.

Difference between Duly and Dully

  • Duly and Dully are two words that are often confused. Duly means in accordance with what is right or proper, while dully means in a dull or unexciting way. Duly is typically used when referring to someone’s actions, while dully is usually used to describe someone’s state of mind.
  • For example, you might say “I duly acknowledge your presence,” meaning that you are fully aware of the other person’s presence and consider them worthy of note.
  • On the other hand, if you say “he looks dully at the world around him,” you are suggesting that he doesn’t find much joy or interest in his surroundings. Ultimately, duly is about meeting expectations, while dully is about failing to excite or engage.


Legally speaking, duly is an adverb meaning “in a proper manner; correctly.” For example, if you sign a contract and fulfill all of your obligations under that contract, you did so duly. Duly is also often used to describe official documents or proceedings. On the other hand, dully is an adjective meaning “dull in color or appearance; not bright.” For example, if you have a painting with muted colors, it would be described as dully colored. As you can see, these two words have different meanings and should not be substituted for one another indiscriminately.

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