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Difference between Drop and Withdraw

Difference between Drop and Withdraw

In business, there are a lot of terms that can be confusing for people who are not familiar with the language. Two of these terms are “drop” and “withdraw.” Though they sound similar, they have different meanings and purposes. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between a drop and withdraw, so that you can be confident in using them correctly in your business dealings.

What is Drop?

Drop-in courses are a type of class that allows students to “drop in” as their schedule permits. These courses are typically offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, and there is no need to register in advance. Drop-in courses can be beneficial for students who have a busy or unpredictable schedule, as they can attend the class when it fits their availability. Drop-in courses are also often less expensive than traditional classes, as there is no need to pay for a full semester of tuition. However, drop-in courses can also have drawbacks; if a student misses a class, they may not be able to make up the missed work, and the quality of instruction can vary depending on the day or time that the student attends. Overall, drop-in courses offer flexibility and convenience, but it is important to consider the potential downsides before enrolling.

What is Withdraw?

Withdrawing from a course is the process of dropping the class after the add/drop deadline has passed. To withdraw from a class, students must submit a withdrawal form to the Registrar’s office. Once the form is processed, the student will no longer be enrolled in the class and will not receive a grade for the course. Withdrawing from a course can have serious consequences, so students should carefully consider their decision before taking any action. Drop deadlines are typically several weeks into the semester, so students who are struggling in a class still have time to improve their performance before withdrawing. In addition, withdrawing from a course can impact a student’s financial aid eligibility, so it is important to consult with a financial aid advisor before taking any action. Withdrawing from a course is a serious decision, so students should weigh all of their options carefully before taking any action.

Difference between Drop and Withdraw

There is a difference between Drop and Withdraw when it comes to courses. The drop means that the student never attends the course and Withdraw means that the student attends the course but decides to leave before it ends. When a student Drops a course, they do not receive a grade for the course. If a Student Withdraws from a course, they will receive a grade based on their performance up until the point of withdrawal. Withdrawing from a course can have a negative effect on a student’s GPA, so it is important to be sure that withdrawing is the best option before making the decision.


If you are considering withdrawing from a course, it is important to understand the implications and consequences of doing so. Withdrawing can have an impact on your academic record and may affect your ability to continue at UBC. If you are thinking about dropping a course, be sure to speak with an advisor to discuss your options and get help making the best decision for you.

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