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Difference between DPI and LPI

Difference between DPI and LPI

DPI and LPI are two similar but different concepts. DPI stands for dots per inch. It is a measurement used to specify the sharpness of images. An image with more dots per inch shows clearer and sharper images when compared to an image with a lower DPI. LPI stands for line pairs per inch.

It is a measurement used rather than a concept used to specify the level of quality of a printer’s output. A printer with fewer lines on each printed page will produce high-quality text but will not be very effective when it comes to images or graphics because this would require high DPI as well. While the LPI concept is a method for specifying the quality of printing, DPI is only one measure of how much detail can be seen in an image.

What is DPI?

DPI is the measurement of the dots per inch. It is one of the two numbers that are used to define the level of detail in an image. The other number is the Line pairs per inch, and it is the line length that is printed or scanned. If a printer can print or scan at 300 DPI, then it can create an image that is 300 dots high and the length of each dot can be 300 line pairs.

If a printer can print or scan with only 50 DPI, then it only has 50 dots high, and each dot is only the size of 1 line pair. If a printer can print or scan with only 600 DPI, then it can create an image that is 600 dots high and the length of each dot is 600 line pairs.

What is LPI?

LPI is the measurement of the number of line pairs in a print or scan. A printer or a scanner that can print or scan at 50 line pairs per inch (LPI) can create high-quality text, but it will not be very efficient when it comes to images or graphics, which require high DPI.

A printer or scanner that can print or scan at 600 LPI can create very high-quality images, but the lines will be very thick and will be hard to read.

Difference between DPI and LPI

DPI and LPI are two different concepts, and they are used to describe two different features of a printer. While DPI is about the number of dots that are present in an image and LPI is about the number of line pairs in a print or scan. DPI and LPI are both used to measure the resolution of an image.

DPI is the measurement of the clarity of an image. The higher the DPI, the sharper the image appears. LPI is the measurement of the length of lines in a print or scan. The longer the lines are, the higher the quality of the print or scan.

Sample usage of DPI and LPI

You can use these two concepts to help you figure out what a printer can handle. If you have a device with a high DPI, you can expect high-quality images. If you have a device with a low DPI, you can expect a low-quality image. There are two ways to figure out the DPI or LPI of a printer. One way is to check the specifications of the printer that you are planning to buy, or the other way is to download a printing app from the play store or App store of your device. These apps can help you figure out the print or scan DPI or LPI of a specific printer model.


DPI and LPI are two similar but different concepts. DPI stands for dots per inch. It is a measurement used to specify the sharpness of images. An image with more dots per inch shows clearer and sharper images when compared to an image with a lower DPI. LPI stands for line pairs per inch. It is a measurement used rather than a concept used to specify the level of quality of a printer’s output.

A printer with fewer lines on each printed page will produce high-quality text but will not be very effective when it comes to images or graphics because this would require high DPI as well. While the LPI concept is a method for specifying the quality of printing, DPI is only one measure of how much detail can be seen in an image.

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