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Difference between DMM and Oscilloscope

Difference between DMM and Oscilloscope

DMM vs Oscilloscope comparison is one of the most common ones in electronics. While both are important, they have different uses. In this post, we’ll explore what each one does and when to use them.

What is DMM?

DMM refers to a class of devices called Dimensional Measurement Machines. These machines are used to measure the physical dimensions of objects, such as length, width, and height. DMM devices are typically used in manufacturing and quality control applications. DMM devices can be either hand-held or table-top models. The hand-held models are typically used for measuring small objects, while the table-top models are better suited for larger objects. DMM devices use a variety of sensors to measure dimensions, including laser sensors, optical sensors, and ultrasonic sensors. DMM devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their accuracy and versatility.

What is Oscilloscope?

Oscilloscope is a device that is used to visualize various electrical signals. It consists of a CRT (cathode ray tube) that draws the waveforms on the screen. Oscilloscopes are used in a wide variety of applications such as in physics and engineering labs for measuring voltage, checking electronic circuits, and observing waves. Oscilloscopes can be used to measure both AC and DC signals. They can also be used to measure the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the signal. Oscilloscopes are available in different types such as analog oscilloscopes, digital oscilloscopes, and PC-based oscilloscopes. each type has its own set of features and benefits.

Difference between DMM and Oscilloscope

DMM and oscilloscope are both devices that measure electric signals. DMM stands for digital multimeter which can measure voltage, current and resistance. It is mostly used to check continuality of circuit. Oscilloscope, on the other hand, is used to visualize electrical signals. It monitors changes in an electrical signal over time and displays them on a screen.

Oscilloscopes are used to debug circuits, as well as to design and test electronic equipment. DMM is cheaper and smaller than oscilloscope but it can only measure DC signals whereas oscilloscope can measure both AC and DC signals. Oscilloscope is more expensive but it is more versatile than DMM.


The oscilloscope is a device that measures voltage changes over time and displays the waveforms of those voltages on a screen. A digital multimeter (DMM) is a device that can measure many properties of an electrical signal, including voltage, current, and resistance. While both devices have their uses in electronics work, there are some key distinctions between them.

Oscilloscopes are typically used to measure the shape and amplitude of wavesform signals, while DMMs can be used to measure almost any property of an electrical signal. Additionally, oscilloscopes usually require more expensive probes than DMMs do. Ultimately, which device you use depends on what you’re trying to measure.

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