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Difference between Ditropan and Ditropan XL

Difference between Ditropan and Ditropan XL

Ditropan and Ditropan XL are both medications used to treat overactive bladder. They work in similar ways, but Ditropan XL is a long-acting version of the drug. There are some differences between the two medications, including how long they last and how often they need to be taken. Let’s take a closer look at these two drugs and see which might be right for you.

What is Ditropan?

Ditropan is a medication that is used to treat an overactive bladder. It works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder, which helps to reduce the feeling of urgency and frequency. Ditropan is available in tablet and extended-release tablet forms. It is typically taken two or three times a day. Some common side effects of Ditropan include dry mouth, constipation, and dizziness. Ditropan may also cause blurred vision or drowsiness. If you experience any of these side effects, it is important to contact your doctor. Ditropan is a prescription medication and should only be taken as directed by a doctor or healthcare provider.

What is Ditropan XL?

Ditropan XL is a medication that is used to treat urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. It works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder, which helps to reduce the number of accidents and improve bladder control. Ditropan XL is available in tablet form and is taken once daily, with or without food. Common side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and dizziness. Ditropan XL is a prescription medication and should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Difference between Ditropan and Ditropan XL

Ditropan and Ditropan XL are two medications used to treat overactive bladder.

  • Ditropan is a short-acting medication, while Ditropan XL is a long-acting medication.
  • Both medications work by relaxing the muscles in the bladder, which helps to reduce the number of urinary accidents.
  • Ditropan XL is generally considered the more effective of the two medications, but it can also cause more side effects.
  • These side effects may include dry mouth, constipation, and dizziness. Ditropan XL is also more expensive than Ditropan.

As a result, patients should discuss their options with their doctor to determine which medication is right for them.


Ditropan XL is a longer-acting version of the medication, Ditropan. The effects of Ditropan XL last for about 24 hours, whereas the effects of Ditropan wear off after about 4 hours. This means that you only need to take Ditropan XL once a day, as opposed to twice a day with Ditropan. If you are experiencing symptoms of overactive bladder and have been prescribed either drug by your doctor, speak with them about whether or not switching to the long-acting version would be right for you.

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