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Difference between Distilled and Purified Water

Difference between Distilled and Purified Water

Water is essential to human life. It’s important to stay hydrated, and drinking water is one of the best ways to do that. But what kind of water should you drink? There are a lot of different types of water on the market, including distilled and purified water. So what’s the difference between them? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is water that has been boiled to produce steam and then condensed back into a liquid. This process removes impurities from the water, including minerals and other dissolved solids. Distilled water is often used in medical and scientific applications, as it provides a high degree of purity. It can also be used for drinking, although some people find it has a flat taste. Distilled water is also a good choice for filling lead-acid batteries, as it does not contain the minerals that can lead to corrosion.

What is Purified Water?

Purified water is water that has been treated to remove impurities. Purification can be achieved through a variety of methods, including distillation, filtration, and reverse osmosis. Purified water has a variety of uses, including medical applications, manufacturing, and general households. Although it is often more expensive than regular tap water, many people believe that the benefits of purified water outweigh the cost. Purified water is believed to be healthier and safer than regular tap water, making it an increasingly popular choice for drinking and cooking. Understanding the process of purification can help you make informed choices about the type of water you use in your home or business.

Difference between Distilled and Purified Water

Distilled and purified water are both types of water that have been treated to remove impurities. Distilled water is made by boiling water and then collecting the resulting steam. This effectively removes all impurities from the water, including minerals, bacteria, and other contaminants. Purified water, on the other hand, is made by running water through a series of filters to remove impurities. This process does not remove all impurities from the water, but it does lower the overall level of contaminants. As a result, both distilled and purified water is safe to drink and free of harmful toxins. However, distilled water may taste flat or bland due to the lack of minerals, while purified water may still contain some residual impurities.


While distilled water and purified water may seem like they are one and the same, there is a distinct difference between the two. Distilled water is made by boiling regular tap water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. Purified water, on the other hand, goes through a more rigorous filtration process that removes minerals and other impurities. If you are looking for a purer drinking water option, purified water is your best bet.

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