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Difference between Dielectric and Capacitor

Difference between Dielectric and Capacitor

Are you familiar with the terms dielectric and capacitor? As electrical engineering concepts, they’re often used interchangeably—but as we’ll explore in this blog post, there are actually distinct differences between a dielectric and a capacitor. In this post, we’ll break down each component individually to see how they work together to create an essential element of our electrical networks. By the end of the post you will have gained greater insight into these two integral pieces of the puzzle and why understanding the difference is crucial for getting maximum performance out of electronic circuits. So fasten your seatbelt and let’s kick off our exploration into dielectrics and capacitors!

What is Dielectric?

  • Dielectric electronic components are non-conductive materials that act as insulators in electrical equipment or circuits. They are typically used to protect against leakage, short circuits, and high voltage.
  • Dielectrics can be found in a multitude of applications ranging from power transformers to loudspeakers, where they are employed to preserve the integrity of electrical signals and increase efficiency. Dielectric materials can also be used to store charge in capacitors, which allow for regulated electricity and high current.
  • Dielectrics play an important role in many aspects of everyday electronics as they enable the safe and efficient operation of any device utilizing electric current.

What is Capacitor?

  • Capacitors are essential components of many electronics and electrical devices. Capacitors are two-terminal components that store electrical energy and can be used to serve many different purposes in circuits.
  • Capacitors work by storing and releasing current in a cyclic manner, so that excess electricity can be drawn from the capacitor and released into the system later on when needed. Capacitors can also be used to filter noise from signals, create time delays, serve as voltage divider networks, and more.
  • Capacitors come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, capacitances, voltages, and temperatures to meet a variety of requirements from varying industries. By providing quick access to stored energies, capacitors continue to be an invaluable part of modern circuit design.

Difference between Dielectric and Capacitor

Dielectrics and capacitors are two important electronic components that are essential for high-quality electronic circuit designs.

  • Dielectric materials are insulating materials that are used to help store a charge while capacitors act as a reservoir of electrical energy due to their ability to store an electric charge within them.
  • Dielectrics need to have their surface polarity arranged by using electrical stress, whereas, capacitors allow the building up of electric charge and storing it without any added external force.
  • Dielectrics affect the working and performance of capacitors while they can also increase their capacity when placed between electrode plates of some particular type of capacitor.

Dielectrics thus help in maintaining or increasing the overall rate at which capacitors can take in or transfer energy.


The main difference between dielectric and capacitor is that dielectrics are good insulators while capacitors are used to store electrical charges. This refers to the fact that dielectrics have a high resistivity while capacitors have two conducting plates separated by an insulating material. Dielectrics are materials with low conductivity while capacitors are devices used to store electric charges. In summary, the key difference between dielectric and capacitor is that capacitor stores energy whereas dielectric does not store any energy

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