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Difference between DFD and ERD

Difference between DFD and ERD

Database diagramming is an important process in designing and managing a database. There are two main types of diagrams used in database design: entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) and data flow diagrams (DFDs). While they share some similarities, there are also key differences between the two. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at those differences and explore when each type of diagram is most useful.

What is DFD?

  • DFD, or Data Flow Diagram, is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system. DFDs show the movement of data between different processes and components in a system and can be used to provide a high-level view of how a system works. DFDs are typically used during the design phase of a project, to help communicate how data will flow through the system.
  • However, they can also be useful for troubleshooting and understanding how information flows within an existing system. DFDs can be drawn using a variety of methods, including diagrams, charts, and tables. Regardless of the method used, all DFDs should include four basic elements: process nodes, data stores, data flows, and external entities. These four elements will be further discussed below.
  • Process nodes: Process nodes are symbols that represent the various processes in a system. In most DFDs, process nodes are represented by rectangles. Data stores: Data stores are symbols that represent places where data is stored within a system. Data stores can be physical (e.g., a database) or logical (e.g., an in-memory cache).

What is ERD?

ERD is a database modeling technique that is used to generate a conceptual data model for a system. ERD diagrams represent the relationships between entities in a system. These relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. ERD diagrams are typically used in conjunction with other techniques, such as data flow diagrams (DFDs) and entity relationship diagrams (ERDs), to create a complete picture of a system. ERD diagrams are also sometimes referred to as ER models.

Difference between DFD and ERD

DFD and ERD are two types of diagrams that are used to represent relationships between data. DFD, or Data Flow Diagram, is focused on the flow of data between different entities, while ERD, or Entity Relationship Diagram, is focused on the relationship between different entities. DFD is typically used to model system processes, while ERD is used to model database relationships. DFD can be further divided into physical and logical DFDs, while ERD can be further divided into conceptual, logical, and physical ERDs. DFDs and ERDs are both powerful tools for visualizing and understanding data relationships.


Although DFD and ERD are both used for data modeling, they have different purposes. DFD is used to show the flow of data within a system, while ERD shows the relationships between entities in a system. Understanding the difference between these two types of diagrams can help you create more accurate models for your data.

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