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Difference between Depression and Clinical Depression

Difference between Depression and Clinical Depression

Normal Depression vs Clinical Depression

Difference between depression and clinical depression:- What is Difference between depression and clinical depression? Depression is something that almost everyone comes to face at some point in life. Sadness is part of being alive and is considered to have its ups and downs. But while a normal sadness fades and becomes less painful; Depression is a more extreme state that deserves attention.

Difference between Depression and Clinical Depression

The term depression is something that not everyone understands, as many tend to believe that every little period of sadness can be considered deserving of such a label. This is the reason why health professionals claim that one should be diagnosed; In addition, recommend seeking help in time before saying that one is “depressed.”

There are many types of depression, including clinical depression. If you have doubts about this issue, then continue reading, because then we explain to you what the difference between clinical depression and depression is.


This term is quite difficult to define, since it actually comprises a whole range of terms that refer to various types of depression: Major Depression, Persistent Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Psychotic Depression, and Postpartum Depression.

In the scientific context, the word depression describes a persistent sadness that arises as a consequence of some traumatic situation: divorce, death of a loved one, loss of work, separation of the couple … In these cases people usually show slight symptoms of the problem and Can, if they take the necessary precautions in time, to overcome this type of depression. Treatment usually includes psychotherapy.

Clinical Depression

On the other hand, clinical depression is a more severe form of depression; it is also known as major depression. This is what happens when the patient shows symptoms such as loss of interest or pleasure in activities, weight gain or loss, trouble falling asleep or sleep during most of the day, extreme fatigue and fatigue, feelings of guilt and Uselessness, suicidal thoughts, among others.

Finally, for a patient to be diagnosed with clinical depression it is necessary for the patient to show all or most of the symptoms described above during all hours of the day over weeks or months. Some experts suggest that you can only talk about major depression when the symptoms persist for six months or longer and the patient has problems when working in daily activities. In this case, medication may be prescribed in combination with psychotherapy.

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