Difference between Dementia and Psychosis | Dementia vs. Psychosis

Difference between Dementia and Psychosis | Dementia vs. Psychosis

Dementia vs. Psychosis

Difference between Dementia and Psychosis: – The human mind is fragile and in the same way that it is capable of great things, also its functioning is often hampered by the incidence of various factors. When the brain does not work as it should, then problems arise and people can develop dementia; but with dementia are we referring to psychosis? Well, we do not clarify the difference between Dementia and Psychosis.

Difference between Dementia and Psychosis

Dementia involves a wide variety of brain diseases. It causes long-term loss of ability to think and reason clearly. This loss can be so severe that it could end up affecting a person’s functioning in their daily lives.

There are many different types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, front temporal dementia, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, normal pressure hydrocephalus and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Dementia is usually progressive and slowly worsens over time. When a person begins to show signs of this disease is because it has affected his brain for a long time.

It commonly has effects on memory, visual-spatial ability, language, attention and executive function (problem solving). The people who have been diagnosed with dementia may also suffer impulsivity, depression, anxiety, agitation, balance problems, tremors, slurred speech and language, trouble eating or swallowing, delusions, hallucinations, restlessness…

It can be said that psychosis is actually a symptom of a wide variety of diseases, including dementia. E is essentially referred to when the patient has “loss of contact with reality”.

People who are diagnosed with psychosis may experience personality changes, hallucinations, confusion, problems with social interaction; problems with daily activities … Some with advanced psychosis may even experience panic attacks, delusions, vision and deterioration.

It can be caused by various pathologies, including but not limited to disorders such as schizophrenia, delusional disorders, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, brain tumor or cyst, neurological diseases, HIV and other infections, epilepsy, stroke, genetics, dementia.

Key Differences between Dementia and Psychosis

  • Dementia involves a large number of diseases that are characterized by causing people to lose the ability to think and reason properly, while psychosis in many cases could be one of the symptoms of dementia; which consists of a disconnection of the individual with reality.
  • Dementia is a disease, whereas psychosis is a symptom of some illnesses among which dementia may be included.
  • Examples of dementia: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, normotensive hydrocephalus, corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy …
  • Examples of psychosis: postpartum psychosis, monothematic delusions, myxedema psychosis, and cycloid psychosis.

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