Have you ever experienced a weird sense that you’ve done or seen something before, even though logically you know it’s not possible? This phenomenon is known as deja vu. But what about when you have a strong feeling or intuition about something happening in the future? This is called premonition. So what’s the difference between deja vu and premonition? Let’s take a closer look.
What is Déjà vu?
- Déjà vu is the feeling of having already experienced a current situation. It’s as if you’ve been there before, seen it before, or done it before. Déjà vu occurs in both children and adults, and is generally considered a normal phenomenon. Some research suggests that déjà vu occurs when our brains briefly mistake a new experience for a memory.
- This theory is supported by the fact that déjà vu is more likely to occur when we are tired or under stress, as our brains are less efficient at processing new information under these conditions.
- Déjà vu can also be triggered by certain medications, such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. In rare cases, déjà vu may be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as epilepsy or schizophrenia. If you experience déjà vu frequently, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
What is Premonition?
Premonition is defined as the anticipation of future events, typically of a catastrophic nature. Premonitions can be positive or negative, and they can come in the form of feelings, dreams, visions, or hunches.
- People who have premonitions often report feeling a sense of dread or foreboding prior to the event. Premonitions are different from regular Intuition in that they are specific and detailed, and they often involve events that haven’t happened yet.
- Premonitions can be difficult to ignore, and many people who have them feel compelled to take action in order to prevent the event from happening. Premonitions can be a warning sign from our subconscious mind, and it’s important to pay attention to them.
- If you have a premonition, trust your instincts and take whatever steps you feel are necessary to protect yourself. Premonition is a powerful tool that can help us avoid danger and make better decisions.
Difference Between Déjà vu and Premonition
Deja Vu is the feeling that you have already experienced the current situation. Deja Vu is a French term which means “already seen”. Premonition, on the other hand, is a feeling that you have about the future.
- It is an anticipation of something bad or good that is going to happen. Deja Vu usually happens when you are in a new place or situation and you feel like you have been there before even though you know that you haven’t.
- Premonition, on the other hand, happens when you get a strong sense or feeling about something that is going to happen in the future. Deja Vu lasts for a few seconds while premonitions can last for days or weeks.
- Deja Vu is just a feeling while premonitions can be accompanied by physical sensations such as goosebumps. Deja Vu is experienced by almost everyone at some point in their lives but premonitions are experienced by only a few people.
Deja Vu occurs randomly while premonitions can be triggered by certain events or circumstances. Deja Vu is unexplained but there are scientific explanations for premonitions. Deja Vu is harmless but premonitions can be disturbing if they are about something bad that is going to happen.
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a clear difference between deja vu and premonition. Deja vu is a feeling of familiarity with something that has not occurred before, while premonition refers to an intuition or sense that something bad is going to happen. Both phenomena can be attributed to different causes, such as past memories resurfacing or subconscious clues being picked up on.