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Difference between Deionized and Distilled Water

Difference between Deionized and Distilled Water

If you’ve ever needed purified water for things like brewing coffee, making ice cubes, boilers or aquariums – then chances are that you may have heard of Deionized or Distilled Water. Many people confuse the two as they both offer similar levels of purification and can be obtained in just about any grocery store. But is there really a difference between Deionized and Distilled Water? In this post, we’ll look at what each type of water offers and help explain their differences so that you can make an informed decision when choosing which one to use.

What is Deionized Water?

Deionized water, also known as demineralized water, is water that has most of its mineral ions removed. It is created through a process known as deionization, which uses special resins that selectively remove cations and anions found in the typical chemical makeup of drinking water.

Deionized water is considered to be more pure than tap or even distilled water and is frequently used in industrial processes such as cooling systems, lab equipment cleaning, car batteries, and other applications where purer water is necessary. Its high purity makes Deionized Water a popular choice for many industries, households, and businesses.

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is water that has been boiled and then condensed into a pure form. Distillation removes any contaminants, minerals, or other particles carried in the original water source. This process leaves behind only H2O molecules, resulting in some of the purest water available. Distilled water is an important tool in a variety of industrial applications where purity is paramount.

Distilled water can also be used at home for cooking, drinking, and cleaning because it has no taste or odour. It is popular among many who prefer to avoid chemicals typically found in tap water like chlorine and fluoride. Having distilled water on hand can ensure access to clean and safe drinking water whenever you need it.

Difference between Deionized and Distilled Water

Deionized and Distilled Water are two similar, yet distinct types of pure water.

  • Deionized water has had its minerals and ions removed for medical or industrial purposes, but it may still contain some organic compounds and contaminants.
  • Distilled water goes through an additional step of the process; not only is it free from impurities, but the process of distillation involves heating the water to boiling temperature and then cooling it again – making it even more purified than Deionized Water.

Ultimately, both Deionized Water and Distilled Water can be used as powerful cleaning agents or in delicate scientific applications that require extreme levels of purity, such as in certain surgeries or experiments.


In conclusion, distilled water is a better choice than deionized water for most applications. Deionization removes all ions from the water, while distillation only removes volatile impurities. This makes distilled water safer to drink and more effective in many industrial processes.

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