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Difference between Deadlock and Starvation In Operating System OS

Difference between Deadlock and Starvation In Operating System OS

When designing multi-threaded applications, the Operating System (OS) usually has to manage resources and scheduling of threads. It is important to be aware of potential synchronization conflicts that can occur between threads, namely deadlock and starvation. In this blog post, we will cover the differences between these two types of synchronization conflicts and how they can be avoided in an OS setting. We hope it will help developers better understand how their OS deals with resource management so that thread contention issues are minimized for optimal performance.

What is Deadlock In Operating System OS?

Deadlock In Operating System OS is a situation where two or more processes become locked in an indeterminate state, unable to make further progress as they are both waiting for the same resource that neither can access. Deadlocks can occur due to uncoordinated access of shared resources by different processes, leading to a circular wait situation where each process is waiting for the other one to finish using their respective resources.

Deadlock In Operating System OS can be avoided by proper synchronization and resource allocation techniques, ensuring that each process only has access at predetermined times. Deadlocks should also be anticipated through careful design and prevention protocols, such as allowing only one process at a time to use a given resource.

What is Starvation In Operating System OS?

Starvation in Operating System OS is an issue that can occur when an OS or process is denied the required resources to complete its tasks. Starvation can cause serious disruption and malfunctions in the system, especially when it occurs frequently. A common example of Starvation in operating systems is when a process called CPU seeks a certain resource but another process holds it until the first one runs out of its allocated time slice, thus leading to Starvation in the first process. Starvation can be addressed by making sure processes are always given their priorities and by controlling time slices properly.

Difference between Deadlock and Starvation In Operating System OS

Deadlock and starvation are two common concurrency issues in Operating System (OS) programs. Deadlock occurs when two or more processes need something that the other process currently holds, creating a blocking situation.

  • Meanwhile, starvation occurs when a process does not get sufficiently high priority for execution to complete its mission. Deadlock often prevents any further progress in the system and must be broken manually by terminating some of the processes involved in order for the others to proceed.
  • Starvation, on the other hand, is less severe requiring only adjustments or tweaks to priority or resource allocations to enable completion of the affected processes.
  • Deadlock and starvation can both result in delays or inconsistencies in OS performance if they occur unchecked and are best avoided by proper scheduling techniques.


The size of the particle is one of the key factors that determines whether something will be classified as a colloid or suspension. Generally speaking, if the particles are larger than 1 micrometer then it is considered to be a colloid. If the particles are smaller than 1 micrometer, then it is likely to be classified as a suspension. There are other factors that can influence this classification such as how well the particles are mixed together and how stable they are over time. However, this general rule provides a good starting point for understanding these two types of suspensions.

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