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Difference between Cyber Security and Computer Science

Difference between Cyber Security and Computer Science

Cyber security and computer science are two different disciplines, but they both have a common goal: protecting information. Cyber security is the practice of protecting electronic information by mitigating information risks and vulnerabilities. Computer science is the study of the theory, design, development, application and management of computer systems.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security refers to the process of protecting electronic information from unauthorized access or theft. In a business setting, this can include data stored on company servers, laptops, and smartphones. It can also encompass email communications, website data, and customer information. There are a variety of cyber security measures that businesses can take to protect their data, including encrypting data files, implementing firewalls, and establishing user authentication protocols. While cyber security is often associated with IT departments and large businesses, it is important for all companies to take steps to protect their data.

What is Computer Science?

Computer science is the study of computers and their capabilities. It encompasses both the hardware and software aspects of computers, as well as the theory behind their design and use.

  • Computer science is a relatively young field, having only emerged in the early 20th century. However, it has quickly become one of the most important and influential fields of study, due to the ever-growing prominence of computers in our society.
  • The scope of computer science is constantly expanding, as new technologies and applications are developed. Computer science is essential for developing new computer technologies.
  • It also has a wide range of applications in other fields, such as business, medicine, and even art. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, computer science has something to offer everyone.

Difference between Cyber Security and Computer Science

Cyber security and computer science are two very different fields. Cyber security is focused on protecting computer networks and systems from attack, while computer science is focused on developing new ways to use and process information. Cybersecurity experts work to identify vulnerabilities in systems and then implement measures to protect those systems from being exploited.

Computer scientists, on the other hand, develop new algorithms and software programs to solve problems. In many cases, the solutions developed by computer scientists can be used to improve the security of systems. However, cyber security and computer science are two distinct disciplines with different goals.


Cyber security and computer science are two different, but related, fields. Cyber security is the practice of protecting computers and networks from unauthorized access or damage, while computer science is the study of theoretical and practical aspects of computing. Cybersecurity professionals use their knowledge of computer science to secure systems from attack, while computer scientists use their knowledge of cybersecurity to create more resilient systems. The increasing popularity of cybercrime has led to a growing demand for qualified cybersecurity professionals.

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