Difference between Culture and Civilization

Difference between Culture and Civilization

Culture vs. Civilization

What is difference between culture and civilization? We often hear and use the terms “culture” and “civilization”, especially if we are dealing with themes corresponding to the area of ​​Social Science and even more, Anthropology; which is one of its most important branches. Now, it is one thing to use these two words and another very different is that we understand what the difference between the two is really and in what contexts they should be used. It is common to use them indistinctly, which is a mistake.

Difference between Culture and Civilization

If you have doubts about it or just want a little more information about this topic, continue reading, because then we tell you what is the difference between culture and civilization.


On the other hand, as a less encompassing concept, culture includes religion, art, philosophy, literature, art, music, dance … They bring satisfaction and pleasure to many and constitute a way of expressing aspects of their lives.

Culture is closely related to the thoughts, feelings, ideals and values ​​shared by a group of people. It is like the soul of a set of individuals. Unlike a civilization (which normally integrates several cultures), it can exist by itself.

Likewise, culture can manifest itself tangibly or materially when it is the product of beliefs, customs and practices characteristic of a particular group of people.


This is a broader concept than that of culture, since it comprises a complex set of elements of societies; including forms of government, norms and culture itself.

Each civilization can comprise not only one, but several cultures. It is understood by civilization, a society or set of societies that can be seen as an integrated whole and is more or less tangible even though its basic components (such as culture) may be immaterial.

Civilization cannot be transmitted from one generation to the other through the use of language. Due to its complexity and magnitude, it would be necessary to transmit all the basic elements of a civilization so that it would be “acquired” by others.

The civilizations we have known simply grew up at one point, degraded, and eventually their subunits somehow collapsed.

Finally, it can be learned and transmitted from generation to generation making use of speech, symbols and communication. Culture can even evolve and be acquired by another group of people.

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