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Difference between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation

Difference between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation

What is Difference between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation? Today almost nothing seems impossible or far away, the phenomenon of globalization has led us to know more and more cultures and interact with them. Now, it is important to distinguish between two things that can occur when such interaction occurs. We have to recognize when we are appropriating another culture and when it is just a cultural exchange.

Difference between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation

If you do not know the difference between these two concepts, continue reading, as we explain below.

Cultural Exchange
It is about cultural exchange when one culture seeks to learn about the other. In this case an exchange of information occurs.

Culture involves the beliefs, ideas, values, traditions, language and other aspects of the social life of each group of humans. Cultural exchanges occur naturally and are good, since they benefit both parties.

Cultural exchanges help to eliminate prejudices, stereotypes and racism; because when you exchange information about another culture people tend to feel one way or another closer to it.

Cultural Appropriation
On the other hand, it is a cultural appropriation when elements of other cultures are taken and introduced into one’s own, to the point that aspects of the culture to which one belongs in favor of the elements are often rejected or discarded purchased. Cultural appropriation consists in taking ideas and ways of acting from other cultures without understanding very well the causes and consequences of that practice.

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