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Difference between Croatia and Serbia

Difference between Croatia and Serbia

Croatia and Serbia are two Balkan countries often confused for one another due to their common borders, shared cultures, languages and histories. Although they have many things in common there are also quite a few differences that make each country unique. In this post we’ll take a look at the differences between Croatia and Serbia as well as how the similarities bring them closer together. We’ll cover topics such as geography, culture, language, religion and more so you can get an insight into both countries without ever having to visit each of them! So if you’re wondering what makes these two nations distinct then read on to find out more – it’s time to explore the difference between Croatia and Serbia!

What is Croatia?

Croatia is a small yet majestic country located in southeastern Europe. Boasting stunning beaches and diverse landscapes, Croatia has long been a favorite holiday destination for its residents and international travelers alike. From Croatia’s vibrant capital of Zagreb to picturesque coastal towns such as Dubrovnik, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Croatia.

Croatia has also established itself as an up-and-coming wine connoisseur’s paradise thanks to its renowned region of Istria, which offers some of the most exquisite wines in all of the Mediterranean. With so many rich historical and natural wonders, Croatia remains an enchanting destination that will delight visitors from around the world.

What is Serbia?

  • Serbia is a vibrant and diverse country in southeastern Europe that has a long history of independence. Serbia is bordered by six other countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Romania. Serbia has a rich cultural heritage with influences coming from both East and West.
  • Serbia’s population is multi-ethnic due to a wave of migration over centuries. Of Serbia’s total population, 84% are Serb while 16% are ethnic minorities such as Bosniaks, Hungarians, Roma people, Slovaks, and Romanians. The official language of Serbia is Serbian but many other languages are spoken in the country such as Albanian, Hungarian and Romanian.
  • Serbia has some of the most breathtaking landscapes in Europe with mountainous national parks complemented by winding rivers that run through plains and valleys alike. Serbia’s capital city is Belgrade which sits on the Danube River and is known for its bustling nightlife scene. Overall Serbia is a nation full of historic sites and modern attractions that are sure to create an unforgettable experience for any traveler exploring the landscape or dipping into its multifaceted culture.

Difference between Croatia and Serbia

Croatia and Serbia are two countries that share a long history with one another but have many differences that make them each unique.

  • Croatia is located on the west side of the Balkan Peninsula in Europe, while Serbia is located to Croatia’s east. Croatia has been an independent country since 1991 and is part of the European Union.
  • Serbia also declared its independence in 2006, however it is not yet part of the EU. Croatia embraces Catholicism as its main religion, while Serbia is primarily Eastern Orthodox Christian.
  • Other cultural differences include the language: Croatia has its own language called Croatian, while Serbian uses its own variant called Serbo-Croatian.

Even though Croatia and Serbia are two distinctive countries, there still exist close ties between them.


The main difference between Croatia and Serbia is their history and ethnicity. The two countries used to be one country, Yugoslavia, but they split up in the early 1990s when Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence. This led to a civil war that lasted for four years until 1995 when NATO intervened. Since then, the relationship between these two countries has been very tense with little cooperation. There are also differences in religion as well as the alphabet and language usage. Croatians are mostly Catholic while Serbians are Orthodox Christians. Lastly, Croatians use Latin script while Serbian Cyrillic is more commonly used in Serbia. Knowing these key points will help you understand better the cultures of both countries should you ever have the chance to visit them.

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