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Difference between Coyotes and Foxes

Difference between Coyotes and Foxes

What are the differences between coyotes and foxes? Coyotes are typically larger in size than foxes, and their fur is also typically a darker reddish brown. Coyotes also have longer legs and ears than foxes. Foxes, on the other hand, are typically smaller in size than coyotes, with their fur being lighter in color. Foxes also have shorter legs and ears than coyotes. So what’s the difference? Check out this blog post to find out!

Who are the Coyotes?

  • Coyotes are a type of canine that is native to North and Central America. Coyotes are smaller than wolves but larger than foxes. Coyotes are predators, and their diet consists of small mammals such as rabbits and rodents.
  • Coyotes typically live in packs, and they communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations. Coyotes are intelligent animals, and they have been known to solve complex problems in order to obtain food.
  • In recent years, coyotes have become more common in urban areas, where they have learned to adapt to human presence. While coyotes normally shy away from humans, they have been known to attack people in rare instances.

Who are Foxes?

Foxes are a type of canine that is closely related to wolves, jackals, and dogs. There are 37 species of fox, which can be divided into two categories: true foxes and false foxes.

  • Foxes range in size from the fennec fox, which weighs less than 3 pounds, to the red fox, which can weigh up to 15 pounds. Foxes are found on every continent except Antarctica and have adapted to a wide range of habitats, from the Arctic tundra to the deserts of Africa.
  • Foxes are omnivorous animals and their diet typically consists of small mammals such as rodents and rabbits, as well as fruits, berries, and insects.
  • Foxes are also known for their clever hunting strategies, such as using the element of surprise or working together in packs to chase down their prey. In many cultures, the fox is considered to be a cunning and sly creature.

Foxes have been featured in folklore and literature for centuries, often appearing as tricksters or Villains. more recently, however, they have gained popularity as loving and loyal companions in children’s stories such as The Fox and the Hound and Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Difference between Coyotes and Foxes

Coyotes and foxes may look similar, but there are several key distinctions between the two animals.

  • Coyotes are typically larger than foxes, with adults averaging about twice the size of their smaller cousins.
  • Coyotes also have broader snouts and longer noses, while foxes have narrower faces with more pointed features.
  • In addition, coyotes tend to live in packs, while foxes are typically solitary creatures. behaviorally, coyotes are also more aggressive than foxes, and they are more likely to attack humans.

Finally, while both animals are proficient hunters, Coyotes typically prey on larger animals such as deer, while foxes prefer smaller game such as rabbits. Given these differences, it is clear that Coyotes and foxes are distinct species.


Coyotes and foxes may look similar, but they have some key differences. Coyotes are typically larger than foxes and their ears are more pointed. Foxes tend to be more reddish in color while coyotes can be brown, gray, or black. The most obvious difference is the tail. Fox tails are fluffy while coyote tails are bushy but thin. Another key difference is that coyotes live in packs while foxes generally do not. If you’re ever wondering which animal you’re seeing, just remember the tail!

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