Difference between Court Of Law and Court Of Justice

Difference between Court Of Law and Court Of Justice


When most people think of courts, they imagine a room with a judge presiding over a case. However, there are actually two types of courts: court of law and court of justice. While they share some similarities, there are several key differences between the two.

What is Court Of Law?

A court of law is a place where justice is administered. It is a tribunal, often presided over by a judge, in which disputes are heard and decided. Courts of law are used to settle criminal cases, as well as civil disputes between individuals or businesses. The court system in the United States is divided into state and federal courts, each with its own jurisdiction. State court systems typically handle lower-level offenses, such as traffic violations and petty crimes, while federal courts typically hear more serious cases, such as fraud and racketeering.

What is Court Of Justice?

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) is the supreme court of the European Union, having ultimate authority to interpret EU law and to settle legal disputes between EU member states and institutions. Its decisions are binding on all EU member states and institutions. The CJEU is located in Luxembourg. It consists of two courts: the Court of Justice, which hears cases involving interpretation of EU law; and the General Court, which hears cases brought by individuals and companies against the EU. The CJEU also has an advisory role, providing opinions on legal issues at the request of national courts or the European Commission.

Difference between Court Of Law and Court Of Justice

There is a significant difference between a court of law and a court of justice. A court of law is concerned with determining guilt or innocence in a criminal or civil case, while a court of justice is concerned with determining whether or not a particular action was just. In a court of law, the focus is on evidence and procedure, while in a court of justice, the focus is on the final outcome. In a court of law, the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty, while in a court of justice, the focus is on whether or not the accused received a fair trial.


Court of law is a place where the disputes between two individuals are resolved. The court of law follows a set procedure to arrive at a judgment. In this system, the parties involved in the dispute present their case before the court and provide evidences to support their claim. The judge then decides who is right and awards appropriate punishment or relief to the party that he deems fit. This system is followed in almost all countries across the world with minor variations here and there. Court of justice, on the other hand, is a higher authority than the court of law which deals with matters related to public interest. It also resolves disputes but unlike court of law, it does not follow any specific procedure.

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