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Difference between Courage and Bravery

Difference between Courage and Bravery

In every day life, we often use the words “courage” and “bravery” interchangeably. However, there is a distinct difference between the two. Bravery is defined as the quality of being fearless or daring; while courage refers to having strength in facing difficulties or pain. Many times, bravery can be an act that is done impulsively without much thought. Courage, on the other hand, usually requires a great deal of fortitude and planning. For example, imagine you are being held at gunpoint. The robber demands your wallet and phone. A person who displays bravery would likely give up their possessions without any hesitation.

What is Courage?

  • Courage is often described as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The word “courage” derives from the Latin cor, meaning “heart”. In its original usage, the word Courage referred to a special kind of heartiness required of ancient Roman citizens.
  • In the medieval period, Courage came to be understood in a more limited sense as an emotion or virtue that complements and reinforces other virtues such as temperance, justice, and prudence. Courage is often portrayed as a physical courage rooted in encounters with physical pain, suffering or death. This understanding of Courage has been prominent in many cultures throughout history including Ancient Greece and Rome.
  • Over time, however, the concept of Courage has been expanded to include more than just physical bravery. Intellectual Courage, for example, is now recognized as a form Courage that requires one to face difficult problems or ideas. Moral Courage is another form of Courage that has become increasingly important in modern society. It requires standing up for what is right even when it is unpopular or risky to do so. Ultimately, Courage is an essential virtue

What is Bravery?

  • Bravery is a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without flinching. It also includes being able to do something that you know is important, even though it might be difficult. Bravery does not mean that you are never afraid. In fact, many brave people feel fear very acutely. What bravery means is that you are able to overcome your fear and do what needs to be done.
  • Bravery is often thought of in relation to physical courage, but it can also involve emotional courage. This is the ability to confront your fears and challenges head-on, even when they seem overwhelming. Bravery is an essential quality in many aspects of life, from relationships to work to personal growth. If you are able to tap into your own bravery, you will be better equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way.

Difference between Courage and Bravery

Courage and bravery are often thought of as synonyms, but there is actually quite a bit of difference between the two concepts. Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens us. This might be physical, like jumping out of an airplane, or it could be emotional, like standing up to a bully. Bravery, on the other hand, is defined as the ability to do something despite being afraid. Both courage and bravery require facing our fears, but Courage requires us to act in spite of our fear, while bravery allows us to act despite our fear. Courage is about confronting our fears head on, while bravery is about continuing to move forward even when we are afraid.


It is important to understand the difference between courage and bravery because they are often confused. Courage is being able to do what is right even when you are afraid, while bravery is doing something in spite of fear. Bravery may be more flashy and noticeable, but it takes a lot more courage to stand up for what you believe in when no one is looking. Both traits are admirable and necessary in different situations.

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