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Difference between Continental Knitting and English Knitting

Difference between Continental Knitting and English Knitting


What is Continental Knitting?

  • Continental knitting is a style of knitting in which the yarn is held in the left hand. Continental knitters typically use a picking motion to create their stitches, rather than the throwing motion used in English-style knitting. Continental knitting is often quicker than English-style knitting, and it can also be less tiring on the hands and wrists.
  • Many Continental knitters find that they can achieve a tighter gauge with their stitches, as well as a more consistent tension. Continental knitting is often used in combination with purling to create intricate patterns and designs. It can also be used to create textured stitches, such as the fisherman’s rib. While Continental knitting is not right for everyone, those who enjoy it often find that it brings them greater satisfaction than other styles of knitting.

What is English Knitting?

English knitting is a method of knitting in which the yarn is held in the right hand and the needles are held in the left hand. This is the opposite of Continental knitting, in which the yarn is held in the left hand and the needles are held in the right hand. English knitting is also sometimes known as “throwing.” English knitting is typically faster than Continental knitting, and many experienced knitters find it to be easier as well. English knitters also have more control over the tension of their stitches, which can be important for certain projects. For all of these reasons, English knitting is a popular choice among experienced knitters.

Difference between Continental Knitting and English Knitting

  • Continental Knitting and English Knitting are the two most common methods of knitting. Continental knitting is when the yarn is held in the left hand and the needle is inserted from front to back. The tension on the yarn is then released and the stitch is slipped off the needle. English knitting is when the yarn is held in the right hand and the needle is inserted from back to front.
  • The tension on the yarn is then released and the stitch is slipped off the needle. Continental knitting is faster than English knitting because you don’t have to move your hand as much. Continental knitting is also easier on the hands because you’re not having to twist the yarn around your fingers as much.
  • English knitting is considered to be more traditional and it’s what most people learn when they first start knitting. Continental knitting can be more challenging for beginners because it feels unnatural to hold the yarn in the left hand. However, once you get used to it, Continental knitting can be just as easy as English knitting. Whichever method you choose, Continental knitting or English knitting, both can produce beautiful results.


Continental knitting and English knitting are two different ways of knitting. They have different techniques, purposes, and results. If you are a beginner knitter, it is important to understand the difference between these two types of knitting in order to choose the right one for you. Hopefully this article has helped clear up any confusion about the two methods.

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