Difference between Continent and Country

Difference between Continent and Country

Continent vs. Country

What is Difference between Continent and Country? We all have a more or less clear idea of ​​the differences between country and continent, but it is likely that if some are asked to explain such differences to their mind, only the idea that “one is bigger than another” comes.

Difference between Continent and Country

To have everything clearer and not give way to possible confusion, here’s how the difference between continent and country.


A continent is a long and continuous mass of land. On this planet there are five continents: America, Asia, Europe, Oceania and Africa; although there are those who claim that there are seven and not five, adding to the list to Australia (as if it were not part of Oceania) and Antarctica (which is a continental mass). In addition, there are those who call Australia not only the country; but to the whole continent that is known as Oceania and divide North America from South America thus forming two continents instead of one.

The term “continent” derives from the Latin “continere” which means “to hold together”. In Geology the continents are described by means of tectonic plates.

The continents are divided by extensions of water and are divided in diverse regions, which are referred like countries and that they are not equal in size.

People living in countries belonging to the same continent are likely to have similarities, but this is not always the case. Even the language of the different countries of a continent can vary completely, as well as the physical and contrived features of the inhabitants.


On the other hand, a country can be defined in different ways. For example, as a state that is not occupied by another and that owns independence or political division; but can also be defined as a geographical region associated with a set of people with independent political characteristics or not.

In spite of the many definitions, what the majority agrees with is that a country is a geographically political region that governs itself. Each country belongs to some continent and is divided politically, geographically and culturally. Likewise, each has its own laws, constitution, institutions, and traditions.

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