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Difference between Consciousness and Self

Difference between Consciousness and Self

There is a big difference between consciousness and self. Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of and able to think, feel, and perceive. On the other hand, self refers to the identity or sense of individuality that we have. While consciousness is something that we all share, our individual selves are unique to each one of us. This is why it’s important for psychology researchers to study both consciousness and self in order to better understand human behavior.

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of and able to think, feel and perceive. It is the ability to be aware of your surroundings and make decisions. It is the executive function of the brain. Consciousness is what allows you to be aware of your surroundings and make decisions. It is a higher-order cognitive process that enables you to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. It enables you to interact with your environment and make choices. Consciousness is what makes you human. without it, you would be a vegetable.

What is Self?

Self is a noun that refers to a person’s individual identity, personality, and sense of agency. It’s often used in contrast to other people or groups, as in “looking out for number one.” Self can also be used as a pronoun, as in “I need some time for myself.” The word self comes from the Old English word seolf, which means “oneself,” and it’s related to the German word Selbst, which has the same meaning. Self has been used in English since the 13th century. In psychology, the self is the center of a person’s conscious experience. It includes all the things that a person perceives as being part of their own individual identity, including their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. The self is constantly changing and evolving as a person grows and experiences new things.

Difference between Consciousness and Self

Consciousness refers to the extended mind, or everything that is outside of the physical body that we are aware of. This includes thoughts, feelings, memories, and perceptions. The self, on the other hand, is the part of consciousness that refers to our individual sense of identity. It is the part of us that is aware of our own thoughts and experiences. The self is what allows us to interact with the world around us and make choices based on our own preferences and values. without a self, we would simply be a part of the extended Consciousness without any sense of individuality or individuality. In essence, the self is what makes us unique individuals.


Consciousness and self are two different concepts that are often confused. The definition of consciousness is the state of being aware of and able to think, feel, and perceive. Self is the sense of “I” or individuality that we experience. While they are related, they are not one and the same. Our level of consciousness can change throughout the day and be impacted by our environment, while our self remains consistent.

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