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Difference between Conformity and Obedience

Difference between Conformity and Obedience

When it comes to social behavior, conformity and obedience are two very important concepts to understand. Conformity refers to when a person changes their behavior to match that of the group, while obedience occurs when a person follows the orders of an authority figure. Though both are important in society, they have different effects on people and can be used for good or bad purposes. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these concepts and discuss some examples of each.

What is Conformity?

  • Conformity is the act of following social norms, peer pressure, and obeying authority. It’s the act of copying others around you. You conform when you purchase the same clothes as your friends or get the same haircut. You might also conform by going along with the majority opinion, even if you don’t agree with it.
  • People conform for a variety of reasons. One reason is that we want to fit in and feel like we belong. When we conform, we feel accepted by others. Conformity can also be a way to avoid conflict. If you go along with what others are doing, you’re less likely to cause trouble or get into arguments.
  • Sometimes conformity can be positive. If everyone followed the speed limit while driving, there would be fewer accidents. But conformity can also have negative effects. People might conform to something even if it’s harmful, like smoking cigarettes because their friends are doing it.
  • Conformity is a complex topic, and there are different ways to look at it. But one thing is clear: conformity is a part of everyday life, and it’s something that we all deal with on a regular basis.

What is Obedience?

Obedience can be defined as a form of social influence that occurs when an individual conforms to the requests or commands of another person. Obedience is a part of everyday life and is necessary for the functioning of society.

  • People generally obey authority figures, such as police officers, teachers, and parents. People also often obey rules and regulations, such as those in workplaces and schools.
  • There are many reasons why people may choose to obey others, including fear of punishment or retribution, feelings of obligation or duty, and a desire to avoid social disapproval.
  • In some cases, people may also obey simply because they believe it is the right thing to do. Regardless of the reason, obedience is a powerful form of social influence that can have significant effects on individuals and society.

Difference between Conformity and Obedience

  • Conformity and obedience are two very similar concepts. Both involve following the rules or expectations of others. The main difference between conformity and obedience is that conformity is typically voluntary, while obedience is involuntary.
  • Conformity is often driven by a desire to fit in or belong to a group. Obedience, on the other hand, is often driven by a fear of punishment or authority. Both conformity and obedience can result in either positive or negative outcomes.
  • In some cases, conformity and obedience can lead to positive outcomes such as increased productivity or safety. In other cases, they can lead to negative outcomes such as reduced creativity or individuality. It is important to weigh the potential outcomes of both before deciding which course of action to take.


Although both conformity and obedience involve following rules or expectations, there is a key difference between the two. Conformity occurs when an individual agrees with a group’s decision, while obedience happens when an individual follows a direct order from another person. Understanding these differences can help you better understand human behavior and how to influence it in your favor.

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