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Difference between Comprehensive and Collision

Difference between Comprehensive and Collision

Making sure that your car is insured is essential, as it ensures you are not held liable for any costly repairs or additional costs should an accident occur. However, there are a range of different insurance policies available which may appear to suit similar purposes. Two of the most commonly used types of auto insurance are Comprehensive and Collision Coverage – but what’s the difference between these two? In this blog post, we’ll explore both comprehensive and collision auto coverage options so you can make an informed decision when selecting the best policy for your needs.

What is Comprehensive?

Comprehensive insurance is an important form of coverage for those looking for financial protection in case of accidental damage or theft of their vehicle. Comprehensive insurance coverage goes beyond just the legally required coverage, and provides extra financial support when accidents strike. Comprehensive insurance is typically more expensive than other types of coverage due to its wider scope, but it can provide peace of mind in difficult times. Comprehensive insurance can help pay expenses due to property damage or physical injury, both on and off the road, as well as expenses related to vehicle repair or replacement. Choosing comprehensive insurance is a wise choice for those seeking better protection against unexpected circumstances.

What is Collision?

Collision insurance is a type of auto insurance that covers damage to your vehicle when it hits, or is hit by another object. Collision coverage will pay for any repairs necessary up to the limits set in your policy. This type of insurance also provides additional benefits such as reimbursement for a rental car if needed, as well as providing protection from uninsured or underinsured drivers. Collision insurance can be an important tool in helping manage auto repair expenses after an accident, and can provide peace of mind while on the road.

Difference between Comprehensive and Collision

Comprehensive and Collision are two types of coverages auto insurance companies offer. Comprehensive coverage is designed to protect the policyholder from financial losses caused by damage from events beyond their control, such as theft, fire, hail or flooding. Collision coverage on the other hand provides compensation for damage done to the vehicles insured by it if involved in an accident as a result of contact with a stationary object, another vehicle or a pedestrian. Comprehensive coverage typically comes at a lower premium compared to Collision as Comprehensive covers future possible damages while Collision covers damages already suffered in an incident.


The main difference is that comprehensive covers damage to your car that is not caused by a collision, such as fire, theft, or vandalism. Collision coverage only kicks in if you hit another vehicle or object.

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