Communism and Nazism are two ideologies that are often compared and contrasted. Though they have some similarities, there are also many key differences between the two. This blog post will explore some of those differences.
What is Communism?
Communism is a political ideology that believes in a society where there are no classes or money. Communism was started by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who believed that workers were being oppressed by the capitalist system. Communism tries to create a situation where everyone is equal, and no one has more money or power than anyone else. Communism has been tried in many countries, but it has never really worked out the way that Marx and Engels thought it would. Communism usually leads to dictatorial regimes, where a select few have all of the power. In addition, Communism often results in economic problems, as there is no incentive for people to work hard if they are not going to get paid more for their efforts. As a result, Communism has been largely unsuccessful as an economic system. However, it continues to be an important political ideology, and Communist countries like China and Cuba have played a major role in international affairs.
What is Nazism?
Nazism is a political ideology that was first developed in Germany in the early 1920s. Nazism is based on the idea of racial purity and national self-sufficiency, and it calls for a hierarchy of races with the Germanic people at the top. Nazism also promotes a militaristic and expansionist foreign policy, and it has been associated with aggressive actions against minority groups, such as Jews, Romani people, and homosexuals. Nazism was first implemented on a large scale by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party during World War II when millions of Jews were systematically murdered in concentration and extermination camps in what is known as the Holocaust. In the decades since the end of World War II, Nazism has continued to be a source of hate and bigotry for many people around the world.
Difference between Communism and Nazism
While Communism and Nazism both rose to power in the early twentieth century, they are two very different ideologies. Communism is a political and economic system in which property is owned by the community as a whole and resources are distributed based on need. In contrast, Nazism is a political system that gives the state complete control over society and individuals have no rights or freedoms. Nazism also espouses a racial hierarchy in which some groups are considered superior to others. Because of these differences, Communism and Nazism have had very different effects on the world. Communism has been successful in countries like China and Cuba, but it has often led to dictatorship and repression. Nazism, on the other hand, led to World War II and the Holocaust, resulting in the deaths of millions of people.
The difference between communism and Nazism is vast. Communism focuses on the community and proletariat, while Nazism relies upon a single leader who rules with an iron fist. Their ultimate goals are also different; communists seek social equality, while Nazis want racial purity. It’s important to understand these distinctions when studying history so that we can learn from the past and prevent tragedies like the Holocaust from happening again.