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Difference between Communism and Nationalism

Difference between Communism and Nationalism

Nationalism and communism are two ideologies that have been around for many years. Though they share some similarities, there are also many differences between the two. This blog post will explore the key differences between nationalism and communism, and discuss the pros and cons of each ideology.

What is Communism?

Communism is a political and economic ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian society based on common ownership of resources. The main goal of communism is to create a classless society in which everyone is equal and able to work together for the common good. In practice, however, communism has often been associated with dictatorships and repressive regimes.

The Soviet Union and China are two examples of countries that have embraced communism. While both countries experienced economic growth and reduced poverty rates under communist rule, they also experienced significant human rights abuses. As a result, communism remains a controversial ideology.

What is Nationalism?

Nationalism is an idea that promotes the idea of a nation-state, in which the people identify with a certain nation and are proud of it. It also emphasizes the need for the people to unite in order to achieve common goals. Nationalism has been a powerful force throughout history and has been responsible for both uniting and dividing people. On the one hand, it has been used to promote national unity, as seen in the case of the American Revolution. On the other hand, it has also been used to justify xenophobic and supremacist ideologies, such as Nazism. Despite its mixed track record, nationalism continues to be a potent force in the world today.

Difference between Communism and Nationalism

Although Communism and Nationalism may seem similar at first glance, there are several key differences between the two ideologies. most notably, Communism is based on the shared ownership of property and resources, while Nationalism emphasizes the importance of sovereignty and self-determination. Communists typically believe that class distinctions should be abolished, while Nationalists typically view the nation as being above all else.

Furthermore, Communists typically advocate for a dictatorship of the proletariat, while Nationalists tend to support a strong central government. Ultimately, while there are some similarities between Communism and Nationalism, the two ideologies are quite different in terms of their core beliefs.


The difference between communism and nationalism may seem like semantics, but they are actually quite different. Communism is about the collective good of society, while nationalism is about putting the country and its citizens first. It’s important to understand these differences when looking at world events, as they can have a profound impact on how we view them. Thanks for reading!

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