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Difference between Cold War and Vietnam War

Difference between Cold War and Vietnam War

The Cold War and the Vietnam War are two very different wars. The Cold War was a time where the US and the Soviet Union were in a competition to have the most power. The Vietnam War was a war that the US lost.

What is Cold War?

The Cold War was a period of time where the US and the Soviet Union were in a state of political and military tension. It started after World War II and lasted until the early 1990s. The Cold War was characterized by an intense rivalry between the two countries, as well as their allies. They engaged in a number of proxy wars and developed nuclear weapons. The Cold War had a significant impact on global politics and culture, and it is still studied today.

What is Vietnam War?

Vietnam War was a conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1955 to 1975. The Vietnam War was fought between communist North Vietnam, supported by its southern allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti-communist countries.

  • The war began as a conflict between the two main factions in Vietnam: the North Vietnamese communists, who were supported by the Soviet Union and China, and the South Vietnamese government, which was supported by the United States.
  • American involvement in Vietnam increased gradually over the next decade, culminating in the decision to send combat troops in 1965. Despite spending billions of dollars and deploying over half a million troops, the United States was unable to defeat the communist forces and eventually pulled out of Vietnam in 1973.
  • The following year, North Vietnam seized control of South Vietnam, reuniting the country under communist rule. The Vietnam War resulted in over 58,000 American casualties and an estimated 2 million Vietnamese dead.

Difference between Cold War and Vietnam War

Cold War and Vietnam War are two of the most famous and important wars in American history.

  • They both were fought between the communist country of Vietnam and the United States.
  • The Cold War was fought because the United States wanted to stop the spread of communism, while the Vietnam War was fought because the United States wanted to stop the North Vietnamese from taking over South Vietnam.
  • The Cold War lasted for about forty years, while the Vietnam War only lasted for about ten years. The Cold War was fought all over the world, while the Vietnam War was only fought in Vietnam.

The Cold War ended with the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, while the Vietnam War ended with the United States withdrawing from Vietnam.


The Cold War was a time of tension and paranoia between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was a war that was fought without actual combat, but rather through espionage, propaganda, and technological advancements. The Vietnam War, on the other hand, was an all-out conflict with extensive casualties. Though they had different causes and outcomes, both wars have left lasting impacts on American society.

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