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Difference between Cnidocyte and Nematocyst

Difference between Cnidocyte and Nematocyst

What is the difference between a cnidocyte and a nematocyst? This may seem like an easy question, but there are actually quite a few differences. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two cell types and discuss why they are both important for marine creatures. Stay tuned!

What is Cnidocyte?

Cnidocyte is a specialized cell that is found in the body of Cnidarians. Cnidocytes are equipped with a hair-like structure called cnidae, which is used to capture prey. Once the cnidae come into contact with a victim, it penetrates the skin and injects venom.

Cnidocytes are also used for self-defense; when an animal brushes up against a cnidarian, the cnidae can sting and deter the would-be predator. In addition to their defensive capabilities, cnidocytes also help Cnidarians to attach themselves to surfaces.

By secreting adhesive substances, cnidocytes can affix Cnidarians to rocks, coral reefs, and other substrates. Without cnidocytes, Cnidarians would be unable to obtain food or defend themselves from predators. Consequently, cnidocytes are essential for the survival of Cnidarians.

What is Nematocyst?

A nematocyst is a threadlike cell that is found in certain specialized cells of cnidarians, such as hydroids, jellyfish, and corals. Nematocysts are used for capture and defense. They consist of an inner core of barbed thread that is surrounded by an outer sheath. When the Nematocyst is stimulated, it discharges the barbed thread into the surrounding tissues. This can result in the death of prey or predators. Nematocysts are often highly toxic and can cause severe irritation to humans if they come into contact with the skin.

Difference between Cnidocyte and Nematocyst

Cnidocytes and nematocysts are both specialized cells that help animals to defend themselves.

  • Cnidocytes are found in the epidermis of cnidarians, while nematocysts are found in the tentacles of cnidarians.
  • Cnidocytes contain a hollow thread-like structure, known as cnidae, which is coiled up inside the cell.
  • When the cnidocyte comes into contact with something, it releases the cnidae, which penetrates the prey and injects venom.
  • Nematocysts also contain a hollow thread-like structure, known as a nematocyst, which is coiled up inside the cell.
  • When the nematocyst comes into contact with something, it releases the nematocyst, which penetrates the prey and injects venom.

Both cnidocytes and nematocysts are used to capture prey and protect the animal from predators.


So, what is the difference between cnidocytes and nematocysts? Cnidocytes are specialized cells that have a pore or opening on their surface from which nematocysts can be ejected. Nematocysts are the stinging organelles of cnidarians that contain toxins to kill prey or defend against predators. The different shapes of nematocysts allow them to be fired in many directions. Although they both serve as defense mechanisms for cnidarians, the two structures have different functions and purposes.

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