Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are both alternative fuels used in vehicles. Many people are unsure of the differences between the two, so here is a breakdown of CNG and LPG to help you make an informed decision about what fuel is best for you. CNG is a compressed gas made of mostly methane, while LPG is a liquid made of propane and butane. Both fuels are popular because they are clean-burning and relatively cheap. However, there are some key differences between CNG and LPG that you should know before making a choice.
What is CNG?
CNG is compressed natural gas. CNG is made by taking methane, the main component of natural gas, and compressing it to less than 1% of its original volume. CNG is used as a vehicle fuel and is typically compressor-dispensed at pressures of 24-36 psi. CNG volumes are measured in gasoline gallon equivalents or GGE. CNG has an expansion ratio of 270:1 when dispensing from the pressure in the tank to 14.7 psi, the pressure in automobile tires. CNG is odorless, colorless, and non-toxic except when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time when it will decompose and release carbon dioxide and water vapor. CNG emissions contain negligible quantities of sulfur dioxide, lead, particulates, and benzene making CNG one of the cleanest burning fuels available. CNG combustion produces fewer greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels. The use of CNG reduces tailpipe emissions by up to 30% compared to gasoline vehicles. CNG costs significantly less than gasoline or diesel fuel making it an economical transportation option as well.
What is LPG?
LPG, or liquefied petroleum gas, is a type of fuel that is derived from natural gas and crude oil. It is typically used for residential and commercial heating, cooking, and vehicular propulsion. LPG is a clean-burning and efficient fuel source that emits lower levels of greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels. LPG is typically stored in pressurized cylinders or tanks and must be handled with care due to its flammable nature. LPG can be used in a variety of applications, including cars, trucks, buses, boats, and RVs. It is also commonly used in home appliances such as stoves, ovens, water heaters, and clothes dryers. LPG is a versatile fuel that offers many benefits over traditional fossil fuels.
Difference between CNG and LPG
CNG and LPG are both types of gaseous fuels that can be used for powering vehicles. CNG is typically made from natural gas, while LPG is derived from petroleum. Both CNG and LPG have a number of advantages as automotive fuels, including a lower emissions profile than gasoline and diesel. CNG is also less flammable than gasoline, making it a safer fuel to use in vehicles. However, CNG can be more difficult to store and transport than LPG, due to its higher pressures. CNG is also less energy-dense than LPG, meaning that a vehicle will typically have a shorter range when running on CNG than on LPG. As a result, CNG is often used as a supplement to gasoline or diesel, rather than as a sole fuel source. Overall, both CNG and LPG offer distinct advantages as automotive fuels, and the best option for a particular vehicle will depend on the specific application.
LPG is a fuel that burns cleaner than gasoline and emits fewer pollutants into the air. It is also cheaper than CNG, making it a more popular choice for consumers. While CNG may be better for the environment, LPG is still a viable option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.