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Difference between “Closed End Fund” and “Exchange Traded Fund”

Difference between "Closed End Fund" and "Exchange Traded Fund"

In the world of investing, there are two main types of funds: closed-end funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). While both have their pros and cons, they are ultimately very different animals. In this post, we’ll take a look at the key differences between these two types of funds. So, which one is right for you? Let’s find out!

What is “Closed End Fund”?

“Closed-End Fund” is an investment fund that does not have a fixed number of shares outstanding. “Closed-End Fund” is also known as a “Publicly Traded Investment Company”. “Closed-End Funds” are traded on a stock exchange. The price of a “Closed-End Fund” is determined by the market demand for the “Closed-End Fund”. “Closed-End Funds” typically invest in a basket of stocks, bonds, or other securities. “Closed-End Funds” can be managed by active managers or index managers. “Closed-End Funds” often use leverage to enhance returns. “Closed-End Funds” are subject to market risk, and the use of leverage can magnify losses.

What is an “Exchange Traded Fund”?

“Exchange Traded Fund” (ETF) is an investment fund that trades on a stock exchange, much like a stock. ETFs are traded throughout the day on an exchange, and their price fluctuates with the underlying asset. ETFs are a type of mutual fund that holds a basket of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities, and tracks an index. ETFs, offer investors a way to diversify their portfolio with a single investment. ETFs are also cheaper than traditional mutual funds because they have lower expense ratios. Moreover, ETFs can be sold short, which means that investors can profit from falling prices.

Difference between “Closed End Fund” and “Exchange Traded Fund”

“Closed-End Fund” and “Exchange Traded Fund” are two types of investment funds. “Closed-End Fund” is a type of fund that is not traded on a stock exchange. “Exchange Traded Fund” is a type of fund that is traded on a stock exchange. “Closed-End Fund” is mostly traded by institutions and “Exchange Traded Fund” is mostly traded by retail investors. “Closed-End Fund” has a limited number of shares, while “Exchange Traded Fund” has an unlimited number of shares. “Closed-End Fund” has a higher expense ratio than “Exchange Traded Fund”. “Exchange Traded Fund” is more liquid than a “Closed-End Fund”.


We’ve looked at the differences between closed-end funds and exchange-traded funds, but which one is better for you? The answer to that question really depends on your investment goals. If you want more stability and don’t mind a little less liquidity, then closed-end funds might be a good choice for you. But if you want more flexibility and the ability to buy and sell shares whenever you please, then an exchange-traded fund would be a better option. Whichever type of fund you decide is right for you, make sure to do your research before investing so that you can make the most informed decision possible. Thanks for reading!

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