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Difference between Cite and Quote

Difference between Cite and Quote

In academic writing, it’s important to use citations and quotes correctly. Cite refers to the full reference of the information you’re using, including author, title, date of publication, and other identifying information. Quote refers to the use of someone else’s words in your own writing. When you use a quote, be sure to include the source information so that readers can find it if they want to read more. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the difference between cite and quote, and how to use them correctly in your own writing.

What is Cite?

Cite is defined as to quote or refer to (a book, passage, author, etc.) as an authority or evidence for a point you are making. When you cite something, you are mentioning it as evidence or as a reference to support what you are saying.

  • Cite can also be used as a verb meaning to officially accuse someone of a crime. Citing references is important in academic writing in order to demonstrate when you are aguing from an authoritative source, or when you are using your own ideas supported by the ideas of others.
  • Citing allows readers of your work to trace the origins of your ideas and see the development of your argument. Citing also protects you from accusations of plagiarism.
  • Citing correctly also gives credit to the original author rather than passing off their ideas as your own. Cite is derived from the Latin word citare which means “to rouse, set in motion, call upon.”

What is Quote?

Quote word meaning is the process by which a writer sets forth the central idea or theme of a piece using direct quotations from other works. Quote words can provide valuable insights into the author’s thoughts and beliefs, as well as the overall tone of the work. In addition, Quote word meaning can help to establish the authority of the writer on the given topic. When used correctly, Quote words can be a powerful tool for both writers and readers alike.

Difference between Cite and Quote

  • Citing and quoting are two different ways of referring to the same concept, which is the act of including a reference to a certain source in your writing. Citing generally refers to referencing a specific part of the source material, such as a particular page or chapter, while quoting refers to reproducing the exact words of the source verbatim.
  • In either case, you must include a citation in order to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism. When choosing between citing and quoting, you should consider how important it is to include the exact words of the original author versus simply referencing the general idea.
  • If you want to emphasize a particular phrase or sentence, then quoting may be the better option. However, if you only need to reference a general idea, then citing may be sufficient. Ultimately, both citing and quoting are useful tools for providing accurate references in your writing.


Citations and quotes are both important aspects of academic writing, but they have different purposes. It is important to understand the difference between them so that you can use them correctly in your own work. When you need to cite a source, you are providing information about it so that your reader can find it. A quote, on the other hand, is when you include part of the text from another source verbatim in your own paper. Quotes should be used sparingly and only when the original words provide additional insight or emphasis.

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