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Difference between Chromosome and Chromatid

Difference between Chromosome and Chromatid

A chromosome is a long, thin strand of DNA that is coiled up inside the nucleus of a cell. Chromosomes carry the genetic information that determines who we are. Chromatids are the two identical parts of a chromosome that are attached to each other by a centromere. Chromatids are created when chromosomes split into two during cell division. Without chromosomes and chromatids, we would not be able to grow and develop normally. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between chromosomes and chromatids in more detail.

What is Chromosome?

Chromosomes are thread-like structures that are found in the nucleus of cells and carry genetic information. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. Chromosomes are made up of DNA, which contains the Genetic Code, or instructions for protein synthesis. Chromosomes are passed from parent to child during reproduction.

The 23rd chromosome pair determines the sex of the child: XX for female, XY for male. Chromosomes also vary in size and shape and have regions that are called genes. Genes carry the instructions for making proteins, which perform many functions in the body. Mutations, or changes in the DNA sequence, can occur in genes and lead to disease or other health conditions.

What is Chromatid?

Chromatid is a term used to describe a single copy of a chromosome. Chromatids are joined together at the centromere, and each one contains half of the DNA needed to make up the chromosome. Chromatids are formed during replication when the double helix of DNA coils around histone proteins to create new strands. When replication is complete, each chromatid contains one original strand and one new strand.

The two chromatids are held together until they are ready to be separated during cell division. Although they may look identical, each chromatid contains a different mix of DNA, which helps to ensure that the cells produced during cell division are diverse. Chromatids are an essential part of cell development and function, and without them, cells would not be able to divide or reproduce.

Difference between Chromosome and Chromatid

  • Chromosomes are threadlike structures that contain the genetic information for a cell. This information is stored in the form of DNA, which is coiled around proteins called histones. Chromosomes exist in pairs, with each parent contributing one chromosome to the pair. Chromatids are the two halves of a chromosome that are held together by a centromere.
  • When a cell prepares to divide, the chromosomes replicate so that each daughter cell will receive an identical set of chromosomes. The replicated chromosomes remain attached at the centromere, forming an X-shaped structure called a tetrad. During cell division, the chromatids are separated and move to opposite sides of the cell. After division, each daughter cell has one complete set of chromosomes.
  • Chromosomes and chromatids are alike in many ways, but there is one key difference: Chromosomes are only visible during cell division, while chromatids are visible throughout the cell cycle. Chromosomes and chromatids may also be referred to as sister chromatids.


Chromosomes and chromatids are important structures in the cell that play a role in heredity. By understanding the difference between chromosomes and chromatids, you can better understand how cells replicate and pass on genetic information. Thanks for reading!

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