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Difference between Chlamydia and Yeast Infection

Difference between Chlamydia and Yeast Infection

Are you unsure about the difference between chlamydia and yeast infection? It’s normal to feel confused as these two conditions are both types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, often times people mistake one for another and receive unhelpful treatment. Without understanding the fundamental differences between chlamydia and a yeast infection, sufferers may miss out on getting the proper treatment that they need to help alleviate their symptoms quickly. So in this blog post, we’ll dive into what separates these two STIs so you can feel more informed about your own diagnosis and care plan.

What is Chlamydia?

  • Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. It is usually spread through unprotected sexual contact, such as vaginal or anal intercourse and oral sex.
  • Chlamydia can infect both men and women and can cause problems if left untreated. Symptoms may include unusual discharge from the genitals, pain during urination, inflammation of the testicles or prostate gland in men, pain around the lower abdomen in women, and rectal pain.
  • Some individuals may not experience any symptoms at all, making Chlamydia hard to diagnose without proper testing. If you’ve had unprotected sexual contact recently it’s important to get tested for Chlamydia. Early diagnosis and treatment will minimize the health impact of this STI and help prevent it from spreading further.

What is Yeast Infection?

  • Yeast infections are forms of fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of the yeast Candidiasis. Yeast is a normally residing organism in the vagina, and when it grows at an accelerated rate, it leads to an imbalance of fungus, becoming a Yeast Infection.
  • Yeast Infections are very common, estimated to affect 75% of women in their lifetime. Yeast Infections can cause irritation, itching, and burning sensation around the affected area, along with abnormal discharge and pain during sex or urination.
  • If Yeast Infections are left untreated they can lead to serious complications including bacterial vaginosis. Seeking prompt medical attention is highly recommended if experiencing any discomfort in order to diagnose effectively and begin treatment accordingly.

Difference between Chlamydia and Yeast Infection

Chlamydia and Yeast Infection may sound similar but they are, in fact, quite different.

  • Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection, caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria.
  • Symptoms can include abnormal discharge from the genitals, burning during urination, pain or tenderness in the lower abdomen, and pain during sexual intercourse for women.
  • Yeast Infection, however, is not a sexually transmitted infection but rather an overgrowth of yeast or fungus called Candida albicans that occurs naturally in the vagina.
  • Yeast infections typically cause itching and irritation around the vagina as well as thick white discharge with no smell.

It is important to distinguish which type of infection you have so that you can get the right treatment – Chlamydia often requires antibiotics while yeast infections respond more to antifungal medications.


If you think you have an infection, it’s important to get tested by a doctor to know for sure. Each type of infection is treated differently, so it’s essential that you receive the correct diagnosis and treatment. Getting treated as soon as possible is important for preventing any further complications. If you have any questions about chlamydia or yeast infections, please don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider.

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