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Difference between Chinese and Taiwanese

Difference between Chinese and Taiwanese

The Taiwanese and Chinese peoples are often thought of as being the same, but there are actually many differences between them. The two groups have different languages, cultures, and histories. While they share some similarities, these differences make them unique people.

Who is Chinese?

The Chinese people are an ethnic group originating from East Asia, which is today split between multiple countries including China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group in China, make up the majority of the Chinese people. Other notable groups include the Zhuang and Manchu, peoples. The Chinese people have a long history and rich culture, dating back to ancient times. China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and the Chinese people have contributed greatly to science, technology, art, and philosophy. Today, the Chinese people are proud of their heritage and are working to maintain their unique culture in a rapidly globalizing world.

Who is Taiwanese?

Taiwanese people are the inhabitants of Taiwan, an island located off the southeastern coast of China. Taiwanese people can trace their origins to a number of different groups, including the Han Chinese, who began migrating to the island in the 17th century. In addition, there is a significant population of Taiwanese indigenous people, who have lived on the island for centuries.

The Taiwanese identity is a complex one, and many people who identify as Taiwanese also have strong ties to mainland China. As a result, the question of who is Taiwanese is not an easy one to answer. However, what is certain is that the Taiwanese people are a diverse and vibrant group with a rich culture and history.

Difference between Chinese and Taiwanese

There are a few key differences between Chinese and Taiwanese peoples. For one, the Taiwanese tend to be more outgoing and open than the Chinese. They’re also more expressive, both verbally and non-verbally. Taiwanese people are also generally more individualistic than collectivist, while the opposite is true of Chinese people. Finally, Taiwanese culture places a greater emphasis on leisure time and relaxation than Chinese culture, which is often more work-focused. Despite these differences, there is still a great deal of similarity between Chinese and Taiwanese peoples, such as their shared Confucian values. Ultimately, both groups are incredibly diverse, and any generalizations should be taken with a grain of salt.


While both the Chinese and Taiwanese people share a common cultural heritage, there are some distinct differences between the two groups. We’ve looked at some of the most important factors that set these two cultures apart, from language to food to social norms.

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