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Difference between Chinese and Filipino

Difference between Chinese and Filipino

There are many differences between the Chinese and Filipino nationalities. While they share similarities, such as being Asian, there are also many distinct cultural aspects that set these two groups apart. In this post, we will explore some of the key distinctions between Chinese and Filipino cultures.

Who is Chinese?

  • Chinese nationalities refer to persons who are Chinese citizens or those having Chinese nationality. Chinese nationality law is based on the concept of jus sanguinis, meaning that one’s Chinese nationality is not determined by place of birth, but rather by the citizenship of one’s parents.
  • Chinese nationality can be acquired either by birth in China or by naturalization. Those born outside of China to Chinese citizen parents may also be eligible for Chinese nationality.
  • In addition, Chinese law provides a path to restoration of Chinese nationality for certain individuals of Chinese descent who have acquired foreign nationality. Chinese nationals enjoy a number of rights and privileges under Chinese law, including the right to reside and work in China, access to social services, and protection under Chinese law while in China.
  • They are also subject to certain obligations, such as the payment of taxes and compliance with Chinese laws and regulations.

Who is Filipino?

Filipino nationals are individuals who have Filipino citizenship. This can be granted either by birth or by naturalization. Filipino citizens are subject to the laws of the Philippines and are also entitled to the protection of their government while abroad. The Filipino diaspora is composed of individuals of Filipino nationality who have migrated to other countries, often for work or study.

While many Filipino diasporas maintain strong ties to their homeland, others have assimilated into their new societies and no longer identify as Filipino. Nevertheless, the Filipino diaspora remains an important part of Filipino national identity.

Difference between Chinese and Filipino

  • Chinese and Filipino people are often considered to be very similar, and indeed there are many similarities between the two nationalities. Both groups are typically hard-working and family-oriented, and they place a high value on education. However, there are also some significant differences between Chinese and Filipino people.
  • Perhaps the most obvious difference is in appearance, as Chinese people tend to have darker hair and eyes, while Filipino people tend to have lighter features. Chinese culture is also more focused on collectivism, while Filipino culture emphasizes individualism.
  • This can be seen in the way that Chinese families typically live in close-knit communities, while Filipino families are more likely to live independently. Finally, Chinese people generally have a higher level of linguistic fluency than Filipino people.
  • This is due to the fact that Chinese is a more commonly spoken language in China, while Filipino is only spoken by a minority of people in the Philippines. As a result of these differences, Chinese and Filipino people often have different perspectives and experiences.


Are you looking to do business in the Philippines? If so, it’s important to understand some of the cultural differences between the Chinese and Filipino nationalities. The infographic below provides a great overview of some of these key distinctions. Keep in mind that while there are generalizations that can be made, every individual is unique, so always take into account the person you’re doing business with before making any assumptions.

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